Maid to Love (Man Maid Book 3)

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Book: Maid to Love (Man Maid Book 3) by Rebecca Avery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Avery
will not excuse you. I mean all of them? Seriously?”
    Confusion set in. “What are you talking about?”
    “My damn cupcakes, woman!” He laughed again. “I didn’t even get one! The worst part is they were a special gift from a customer, so it’s not like I can get more. I mean seriously, Mrs. Wells?”
    She could not keep the smile off her face at his teasing. It was so good to hear his voice after all this time. Her mouth opened to respond, but all that escaped was a giggle. The unladylike snort that followed only made her laugh harder.
    He soon joined her before choking out, “Were they good at least?”
    “Phenomenal.” She giggled. “I’m sorry. I’ll buy you some.”
    “No, you’re not sorry. And I don’t want one now ,” he replied, trying to sound put out but failing due to his own laughter.
    “Fine. Something else then?”
    “Come to my fight tomorrow night. You can ride with Seth and Tori or Kayla and Ronnie,” he replied with one last chuckle. “Don’t even think of saying no. Those cupcakes were made special just for me! Besides, I haven’t seen you in forever.”
    “It has been a long time.” She sighed wistfully and then laughed. “So fine…I’ll be there. And for the record, they were the best things I’ve ever tasted. Absolutely delicious.”
    Upon hearing the silence indicating that he had disconnected, she laughed at his teasing hang-up. That’s what she got for rubbing in just how good those cupcakes had been. After putting the phone back, she snuggled down into her pillow. She was now wearing a smile that felt wonderful after weeks of nothing but tears. Only Ian managed to push through her reservations. She fell asleep quickly compared to most nights and awoke refreshed.
      * * *
     The next evening found her following Seth and Tori toward a curtained and roped-off area where fighters prepared for their matches. Her stomach was in knots about seeing Ian again after nearly two months of no contact at all. She had truly expected that he would never speak to her again, but his late-night phone call seemed to have erased the weeks of emptiness and distance between them…at least for her. They would eventually have to talk about what she had said to him. She needed to apologize and explain. But right now it just felt good to see him once more.
    As they approached Ian, who sat in a metal chair, he turned and the sight of his face stopped her midstep. She had grown used to his smoke-filled or icy eyes, his ornery grin and perfect teeth, but she was unprepared for the battered face that looked at her. A dark bruise over one eye was accompanied by a matching bruise on the opposite cheek and a split lip. No wonder Rusty Hawkins had come asking her for help. He was right. Ian shouldn’t be fighting, especially not in the condition he was in at the moment.
    The next thing she knew she was standing right in front of him. She touched his cheek. “Oh God, Ian…what happened to you?” He only stared at her while she inspected his bruises and the painful-looking cut on his lower lip.
    “You cannot fight tonight, Ian. How can you even see right now?” she admonished, gently placing one finger on the bruise covering his eyelid. His mouth parted slightly as his eyes closed. When he still didn’t respond she said, “Did you hear me, Ian? You can’t fight tonight. Your face can’t take losing another match.”
    “Maybe I won’t lose this one,” he whispered.
    Only then did she realize that she stood between his powerful thighs, and one of his giant hands rested on her waist. Instead of panic and an overwhelming need to get away from him, something warm settled in her stomach. She was touching him…and he was touching her in return. A tingly sensation started in her fingers, which were still resting on his warm face, and crawled up her arm.
    Her concern over the cut on his lip disappeared, replaced by a mental picture of her…pressing her lips to his.
    What would it be like to

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