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Book: Helion by Olivia March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia March
lack of daring. Having an affair would be bad, bad, bad! Wouldn’t
it? Of course it would. She didn’t need an intergalactic lover. She need a safe
home for Evelyn, a job, food on the table. She needed safety and security. And
what if they weren’t even compatible sexually? He could have a weirdly shaped
penis that didn’t connect with her own parts—how awkward would that be?
    “Very well. Verdun, please escort the ladies to Nathal and
bring them back once he’s done. We’ll dine together after I bathe.”
    Gwen nodded and rushed out of the tent ahead of Verdun. This
opportunity to leave the tent was really a godsend as there was no way she
could watch Helion undress and bathe again and not think X-rated thoughts about
him. There were really not enough dirty diapers in the world to remain cold
toward a naked, wet Helion. As Gwen arrived at Nathal’s hut and allowed the
scans he wanted, her thoughts were consumed with the giant disaster waiting to
happen back at the tent.

Chapter Six
    Helion had found it difficult to concentrate the first few
hours after leaving the camp. Battling Scourge while walking around with a
massive erection was distracting, to say the least. Not that any Scourge came
close to ending his life. He was just modest enough to acknowledge he’d need
one arm tied behind him plus an amputated leg to even be injured by Scourge
    But to lust after this human female…it wasn’t like him.
Keeper women were the most beautiful women in the galaxy and they knew how to
handle a male’s passion. Even if Gwen could take his shaft, could she handle
the ferocity of his lovemaking? Keeper women were bigger and stronger than
humans. If he got rough with Gwen during sex, he could injure her. Though it
was clear to his senses her body wanted him, he wasn’t sure about acting on it,
even if he did want her beneath him so badly his cock literally ached.
    In any case they’d had a job to do. The sooner the Scourge
were eradicated, the sooner he’d be able to return to his home and see to his
responsibilities there. His infatuation with the human needed to be put behind
him while he was going into battle. She stirred him, without a doubt, but there
couldn’t be anything serious between them. An affair wasn’t out of the realm of
possibility however…if it was possible. He sent a request to Nathal via their
link. It couldn’t hurt to see, could it?
    Tempting though it was to linger and let the woman find him
still bathing, Helion took care of himself quickly, eager to be cleansed of
Scourge filth and into clean clothing. In truth he was strangely weary today.
They’d tracked down and killed hundreds more Scourge but there were always
more, and more. In his darker moments, Helion wondered if their taint could
ever be erased from existence entirely. There had to be a way but the Keepers
just hadn’t found it yet.
    Once Helion was dressed, he sat at the table to wait for the
source of unexpected amusement in his current situation. At first he’d seen the
human as nothing but a nuisance, but she’d very quickly become a point of
fascination for him. He wanted to possess her. Utterly. In every possible way.
And she wanted him in return, his senses told him that strongly.
    Although…she’d done something today, something to
temporarily negate her reaction to him. It was sporadic at best but still
amusing nonetheless. She was a very clever young lady, not to mention extremely
sexy. He could only hope that the scans he’d asked Nathal to do bore out the
results he wanted. Because he knew he was going to take this woman to his bed,
one way or another. If she couldn’t take his cock, he’d find another way, but
he fully intended to taste this woman. Something had clicked inside him when he’d
rescued her. He didn’t know where this journey would end but he was eager to
start down the path.
    “ Commander, I have completed my scans. The woman’s health
is improving and the child is flourishing.

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