Revive (The Revival Series Book 1)

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Book: Revive (The Revival Series Book 1) by Claire Thake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Thake
minute of it that she could.
    The drive didn’t take long, and it wasn’t long before Daniel pulled into a small car park, and pulled the car into a space.
    “Come on” he said turning off the engine and leaping from the car, leaving the headlights on to give them a small amount of light. Carrie opened her door and slid down to the gravel, before taking in the sight in front of her. A beautiful stream running amidst lots of large stones and rocks ran freely, all surrounded by trees, which had become bare branches from the cold weather.
    Walking around to the front of the car to where Daniel stood, Carrie was speechless and stood staring.
    “Beautiful isn’t it?” Daniel asked turning and looking at Carrie
    “It’s stunning” she whispered, wishing she had brought a better camera with her, and wondering if she could come back during the day.
    “Is it open here during the day? I would love to get some good photos in daylight” Carrie questioned.
    “It is but it’s packed here during the day with tourists” Turning back to the car, Daniel opened the back door and grabbed out his camera before locking the doors and smiling at Carrie.
    “Let’s go for a walk” he said as he started walking towards the stream, beginning to walk across the large stones in the water with ease. Carrie followed, taking each step across the stones cautiously, not wanting to slip and fall into the cold shallow water.
    Noticing how nervous she was, Daniel walked back and held out his hand towards her. At first she was cautious of holding hands with this man and hesitated but then reasoned with herself that it didn’t mean anything and was the lesser of 2 evils if it stopped her slipping in.
    Halfway across the stones Daniel stopped and let go of Carries hand, picking up his camera and starting to taking photos. The flash of his camera lighting up the whole area. Carrie took a step to the stone next to him and watched him as well as looking at the beauty of the area all around her. The sound of the stream was so relaxing she was sure she could spend hours there.
    The clicking of the camera continued as Carrie took in her surroundings, before she suddenly realised it had stopped and Daniel was looking at her.
    “It’s a great place to come and think” he said, placing his hands into his pockets, the camera hanging loosely around his neck.
    “At this time of night and year it’s just so peaceful, no tourists or screaming kids, just a quiet place to come and reflect”
    “It’s very beautiful” Carrie muttered “I wish I had a place like this near home. Unfortunately London doesn’t have many spots for streams” she sighed
    “Are you hungry?” Daniel asked, stepping onto the same rock as Carrie. She suddenly became aware of how close they were and took a deep breath.
    “I am if you are” she replied smiling up at him. Without asking this time he took her hand and helped her back across the rocks and back towards the car.
    Once back on level ground, he released her hand and went to the driver’s door. unlocking it, he opened the door and reached in, switching off the headlights before opening the back door of the car, and pulling out a picnic basket, a blanket, and a large heavy duty torch.
    “Come on” he said and he began walking across the other side of the car park, switching on the torch. Following his lead and concentrating on the beam of the torch, Carrie followed him across the gravel, till they came to a grassed area with a few picnic tables and a wooden shed. The shed was all locked up and from the posters appeared to be a snack bar.
    Daniel placed the torch and the picnic basket on the floor angling the torch upwards, to give them light but not so that it would hurt their eyes. He then grabbed the blanket and laid it over the table before taking the lid off the picnic basket and unloading lots of boxes onto the table, as well as plastic plates and cups.
    “Please don’t judge” he said laughing.

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