A Deep Dark Secret

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Book: A Deep Dark Secret by Kimberla Lawson Roby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberla Lawson Roby
about it again.

Chapter 11
    J ILLIAN’S MOM SAT AN OBLONG PAN OF FRIED CHICKEN ONTO the laminated, light oak dining room table and then followed with a dish of creamed corn and warm, buttered dinner rolls. Jillian brought in a glass pitcher of homemade iced tea, and the two of them took their seats. Her father and Layla had been sitting and waiting for the last ten minutes or so, and they were finally ready for him to say grace.
    “Dear Heavenly Father, we come right now just thanking you for another day. We thank you for our beautiful and very loving family and for all that you have so graciously given us. We thank you for the food we are about to receive and for meeting our every single need. In Your son Jesus’s name, Amen.”
    Jillian, her mom, and Layla spoke in unison. “Amen.”
    Her father lifted a pair of steel tongs and placed two wings and a breast on his plate. “So, I hear there’s a school dance tomorrow night.”
    “There is, and it’s supposed to be the biggest one of the year.”
    Jillian’s mom spooned out a sizable helping of corn. “I tell you, it seems like forever since I was in junior high and couldn’t wait to go to all our dances. We would have the time of our lives. Learning and doing all the new dance steps. It was so much fun, and those definitely were the days.”
    “I remember how fun it was, too,” her father said. “But I also remember how the chaperones had to keep their eyes on most of the boys, making sure they stayed in line and weren’t trying to do things they weren’t supposed to.”
    Her mom chuckled. “I remember that at my school, too, and I also remember them having to keep on some of those fast little girls.”
    Her father poured himself some tea. “I know. But that’s where we’re very blessed, because our little princess isn’t like that. She’s not thinking about any of these little thickhead boys in the least. Right, princess?”
    Jillian hated lying, but she knew it was best to say exactly what she knew her father wanted to hear. “That’s right. I just like hanging out with Nikki, Ashley, and Shelly and dancing to all the new songs.”
    “But what about that boy, Kyle, who’s been calling here?” her father asked, and she wished he’d stop forcing her to be so dishonest.
    “Kyle is nothing but a good friend of mine. No different than Nikki. We’re just friends because we both know we’re too young to be boyfriend and girlfriend. We’re not even thinking about anything like that.”
    Her father looked at her and then back down at his plate, and she couldn’t tell whether he’d bought her story or not.
    Her mother smiled, though. “You know, sweetie, I probably don’t tell you this enough, but I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter. Or I guess I should say we couldn’t have asked for a better daughter, because I know your father feels the same way. You’ve always been the model child and always so mindful and respectful of what your elders tell you to do. You’ve always paid attention to what’s good for you and what isn’t, and you’ve never been disobedient like so many other children are. We’re so proud of you, Jill.”
    “Thanks, Mom.”
    “We definitely are,” her father added. “More proud than you could ever know.”
    “But what about me?” Layla whined. “Because I’m your daughter, too.”
    Everyone laughed, and then their mother said, “Oh, honey, of course you are. We’re very proud of you, too, and you never give us any trouble either. We love both you and Jill more than anything in this world.”
    Layla smiled with satisfaction and ate a piece of her roll. Jillian bit a piece of her drumstick.
    “So, is Nikki’s mom still going to drop you guys off tomorrow night?” her mother asked.
    “I think so.”
    “That’ll work well, then, because your dad and I made reservations at that new Mexican restaurant near the mall.”
    Layla looked at her mom. “Does that I mean I get to go with Jill?”

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