The Millionaire and the M.D.

Free The Millionaire and the M.D. by Teresa Southwick

Book: The Millionaire and the M.D. by Teresa Southwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Southwick
hair. “But everything went horribly wrong. I insisted on following her home. I had a front-row seat when that car ran a red light and broadsided her. I was there when they used the jaws of life to get her out and I went in the ambulance when they took her to the hospital. She died a short time later.”
    She put her hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry, Gabe—”
    â€œDon’t.” He held up a hand as the familiar anger and pain welled up inside him. “Just don’t. I’m sick of that. Her family’s sorry. Mine is sorry. No one is sorrier than me. And the bitch of it is, sorry doesn’t help.”
    He glared at her and felt like the bastard who drop-kicked a kitten. He’d had a lot of practice pushing people away and he was good at it, but regret flashed through him that he’d been a bastard to Rebecca. Then she did the most unexpected thing. Without saying anything, she moved closer and put her arms around him. He tensed, started to pull away, but she moved closer and tightened her hold. Words didn’t help, but the warmth, soft and sweet, seemed to melt the ice inside him. She felt so damn good, and he missed a little of the warmth when she pulled back a bit and met his gaze.
    â€œI know nothing can make it better, Gabe, but a touch can be healing. A little hug can’t hurt.”
    Maybe not, but it could be dangerous. She was so beautiful, her lips so close, soft and perfect and there for the taking. Wanting her so badly made a mockery of what he’d just told her about Hannah. Finally the temptation was too much.
    Gabe stared into her eyes as he slowly lowered his mouth to hers. It was a searingly sweet kiss that ignited a fire in his belly and sizzled through his blood as he slid his arms around her and pressed her to him. The feel of her against him drove out rational thought along with memories of the woman he’d loved. This was here, now, real and made him want as he hadn’t wanted for a very long time.
    He was sucked into a storm of sensation. The soft sound of her sigh. The feel of her slender body pressed to the hardness of his. The sweet taste of her skin as he nibbled the corner of her mouth, across the curve of her cheek and down to the underside of her jaw. She was like a feast after an eternity of famine and incited a hunger deep inside.
    Gabe settled his hands on her arms, his intention to set her away from him. Instead he cupped her face in his hands, overwhelmed by the exquisite softness of her skin, the golden silk of her hair brushing the backs of his hands. When he touched his lips to hers again, the kiss turned tender and that was his undoing. Hot he could do. That he could understand. But deep and caring was beyond him.
    He lifted his head and dropped his hands, severing the connection while dragging air into his lungs. Then he let out a long breath. “I didn’t mean to do that. I’m sorry.”
    â€œSorry doesn’t help.” There was a hint of hurt bruising her eyes as she stood and turned away.
    Gabe watched her walk back into the hospital. He should have said or done something more, but what? He’d warned her and she insisted on staying. She’d initiated the hug that pushed him over the edge. The thing was—he did feel better, but it had less to do with the embrace than that lead-me-into-temptation kiss.
    He hadn’t meant to hurt her, but he was glad she’d walked away, because now he knew he could want someone again. It was a warning and he didn’t plan to ignore it.

    Chart in hand, Rebecca walked into Amy’s hospital room. “How’s the patient?” she asked.
    â€œReady to climb the walls.”
    â€œOkay. Spirit plus sass equals attitude. Situation normal. And a very good sign.”
    Amy huffed out a breath. “I’m glad you’re happy. Me? I’m going bonkers in here. There’s no one to talk to. Gabe promised to drop by and see me, but he

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