An Indelicate Situation (The Weymouth Trilogy)

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Book: An Indelicate Situation (The Weymouth Trilogy) by Lizzie Church Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lizzie Church
managed it in the end, however – although, sadly, more by dint of a singular lack of success with the teles cope than through any real conviction of what it was right for her to do. Standing up straight once more and turning, blushingly, to face him, she had to admit that unfortunately she would not have the time that day to acquire the skill that was apparently involved in successfully utilising a telescope, and begged leave of both him and his companion to resume her errands on the floor below.
    ‘For your daughter’s music lesson must end in an instant, Mr Wright,’ she reminded him, as her employer looked inclined to try to d etain her. ‘It would be most inappropriate for me to be absent when it does.’
    The gentlemen bowed gravely.
    ‘It is a pity that you must go, Miss Owens,’ conced ed William, slurring ever such a little , ‘though I can see in those pretty eyes of yours that you are determined to do so. But before I allow you to slip away entirely I require a solemn promise from you that you will honour me with another visit when your time is more your own.’
    In saying this he tried to catch her by the hand to prevent her from escaping before making the required promise. In this, however, she was just too quick for him. Giggling and blushing, she sprang away and surveyed both gentlemen a little impishly .
    ‘You will need to do better than that to exact such a promise from me, sir,’ she assured him , tossing her head just a little. ‘Though I find the thought of some further exploration mo st alluring , I can assure you .’
    Maggie bobbed both gentlemen a little curtsy and sl ipped off down the stairs, an appreciative smile just lingering on Mr Wright ’s handsome face.

Chapter 9
    Mr Staveley was not the only young gentleman to escort his lady to the as sembly rooms later that same evening . Mr and Mrs Berkeley, both of whom were extremely fond of dancing , ha d also engaged to attend with Captain and Mrs John. Much to the amusemen t, and not a little teasing , of their friends, the Berkeleys always insisted on dancing together for far more dances than was generally th ought desirable , and when they were finally prized apart by the ir reluctant acknowledgement of other claims to their attention they attempted, by any means possible, to remain in the same set as each other at every opportunity.
    This evening, however, Kathryn being a little tired and her brother - in - law not being a great dancer, she suggested that her husband might like to treat his sister to a turn about the floor whilst she sat down for a quarter hour with Captain Wright . It was as she did this that her attention was suddenly caught by a little drama which was then being enacted before her very eyes. For standing close enough for her to touch him, thoug h totally oblivious to her pres ence, was the familiar, careless form of a young gentleman who appeared to be watching Mr Staveley dancing with Miss Brewer with the air of someone who would rather be doing the self same thing himself. Not that this particular young gentleman would have looked quite so cumbersome as Mr Staveley did. No indeed. Despite now approaching his thirtieth year he retained the athletic frame, dark curls , silver ear - rings and compelling eyes that Kathryn remembered from a brief acquaintance with him several years before , and she had no doubt of his ability to throw himself about a dance floor with an exquisite, if somewhat careless, grace. For the young gentleman in question was none other than Mr Augustus Rowley - Jones, the Ca ptain of a particularly comely p rivateer, who had once lodged with Captain and Mrs John whilst his boat was berthed on the quay. Now Mr Rowley - J ones was memorable to Kathryn for being a gentleman who had played some role in ensuring her own happiness in this life. For , having materialised just when Mr Berkeley had foolishly become entangled with Miss Brewer and been induced into ask ing her to be his wife, Mr Rowley -

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