Innocence Lost
more complicated than he expected.              
                  Mason pointed at the safety. “Switch it off and it’s good to go.” He came around Ben and had him pull up the gun and aim it at the wall. He pulled the butt of the gun against Ben’s shoulder “You look down the sights and squeeze the trigger. It’s going to pull, so short bursts help you keep it accurate.”
                  “How long is a short burst?” Ben asked.
                  “Just for a second. It’ll take you a couple of times but you’ll figure it out.”
                  Mason taught him how to change the magazine and then showed him how to carry the gun properly. Ben soaked it all up. Mason talked to him like an equal, not like he was an inexperienced child. After a few minutes he stopped.
                  “Those are the basics. Any questions?”
                  Ben kept his attention on the gun. “No, I think I got it.”
                  “The first time you shoot someone, you’re going to focus on the damage the gun has done; don’t. You make sure the person is dead and then you move onto your next target, understand? If in doubt, two shots to the chest and one in the head. They won’t be getting up from that.”
                  “Am I going to need to use it?” Ben asked trying to keep the fear from his voice.
                  Mason was quiet for a moment. “Sooner or later. Things aren’t going to be getting better any time soon. If not today, then tomorrow. Can you handle that?”
                  “Yes sir.”
                  Mason smiled.
                  Zima came into the room. “Looks like they are harassing the locals.”
                  They made their way to the far side of the hotel and looked out towards the diner. One of the trucks was pulled up there and the men were standing about with the rifles in the air. One of the men had one of the people Zima and Mason had talked to earlier pinned up against the building.
                  “Where they hell did they go?” his voice floated up to them.
                  “I…I dunno. I swear. They took off downtown, I’m not even sure they stuck around.”
                  The man took his rifle and slammed the butt of it into the local’s stomach. The man doubled over and fell to the ground.
                  “If you see them you better tell us. If we find out you’re hiding shit from us then we’re mowing your asses down.”
                  The rest of the people nodded and kept their heads to the ground. Zima and Mason stepped away from the window.
                  “We’re going to have to do something soon before that gets out of hand.” Mason said.
                  Zima nodded. “Hope they’d lose interest and think we left, but it looks like they’re not that dumb. Rook is still out scouting. Once we get a better idea of the layout of this town we’ll be able to start knocking them down.”
                  The truck pulled away from the diner and made its way slowly down the street. When the truck went out of view Ben stepped away from the window and caught Zima looking at him and the assault rifle in his hands.
                  “If need be you going to be able to use that?”
                  Ben looked to Mason, who smiled and nodded his head.
                  “Yes, sir.”
                  Zima glanced at Mason. “Well alright then.

                  Alec had already taken off before Freddie shouted. His already tired legs burned as he pushed them past the fatigue towards the cover of a nearby tree. He sprung off his feet, rolled and slammed into the tree and into cover. Not pretty but

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