The First and Last Kiss
and pictures of them haunting your dreams. You can lose your mind fighting your heart.”
    “And all of this happens with a kiss?”
    “And it doesn’t matter who it is? If you are kissed by them, you are theirs?”
    “Yes. I haven’t heard of anyone breaking this curse.”
    “So what happened with your family? They fell for the wrong person?”
    “Most did, having their first kiss when they were young. I’ve known relatives that killed themselves because they couldn’t get the person out of their head. Others gave in and stalked the person until they were hit with a restraining order. They would break it, of course, and end up in jail…but even I don’t understand just how powerful this is.”
    “So did you ever find your family? Other relatives?”
    “I’m the last,” Nick declared. “There’s no one left with this curse but me. Whomever I end up with determines my future and generations to come. So…you can understand why I’m so apprehensive.”
    “You think that I would abuse you?” Erin said suddenly. Nick cleared his throat.
    “No. I’m just being careful. You’re an awesome girl and I can’t see myself with anyone else. I just want to make sure, that’s all.”
    Erin felt uncomfortable with this confession and she knew that she was bein g unfair with her emotions, but she couldn’t help it. She had to push.
    “But why aren’t you sure?” she asked, hoping to hear why he wasn’t absolutely certain they were meant to be together. She had to admit to herself that she was prone to romantic comedies more than the average girl, and as a result, she had taken a liking to concepts such as fate and destiny, soul mates and star-crossed lovers. Sure, it may have been an unrealistic outlook on life…but then again, how often did you meet a boy with a curse that activated when he was k issed? It sounded like a strange fairytale.
    “Are you sure?” he asked, throwing the question back at her. She pursed her lips together.
    “I asked you first.”
    “And you want the truth?”
    “Of course,” she said. “What’s a relationship without trust?”
    “Then…” he began, contemplating his words. “If I must b e completely honest…I’m not ready for a commitment yet. Not that I can’t see myself being with you for the rest of my life, but, we haven’t been going out long. I need to make sure.”
    “I see,” she said, disappointed. Hardly the words her prince would say. He lifted her chin to his face and rubbed his nose against hers.
    “Don’t worry, my love,” he said assuredly. “I’m sure it will be soon.”
    She pressed her cheek against his and closed her eyes.
    “I believe you,” she said. “I’ll wait.”
    “Thank you.”

    “So in other words, he thinks you’re ugly.”
    “What?” Erin said, coming out of her thoughts. “No! That’s not it at all.”
    “Well, that story has to be a lie. This isn’t a world of magic. There aren’t curses and spells.”
    “He was pretty serious when he said it.”
    “Then why are you telling me?” her friend asked, tilting her head to the side and glaring at Erin. Though the conversation wasn’t the most pleasant, Erin knew to come to Jo with her troubles whenever she thought she was being too airy and up in the clouds. Jo was a realist, while she, by far, was a dreamer.
    “He did say he wanted it a secret,” Jo said, applying a liberal amount of gloss to her full lips. They glittered and shined, accenting the bright green and yellow colors of her blouse, mini-skirt and the scarf keeping her hair kept up.
    “But I tell you everything.”
    “Maybe you should have disclosed that info ahead of time. Don’t you think lover-boy won’t be a little mad you told me?”
    “Well, he won’t find out.”
    “And that is why he should be worried about you, Erin. If you’re not trustworthy, why should he bother?”
    “That’s a harsh thing to say. Can’t you give some advice? I didn’t tell you so you

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