Witch’s Concubine

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Book: Witch’s Concubine by Cara Carnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Carnes
way, he owed the healer something in return. Given that Dragos was the reason the little dragon was on the verge of death, he really didn’t give a shit what Zivon wanted with him.
    “A cursed dragon warlock attacked. Macy’s magic somehow inhaled his powers within itself.”
    “And yours as well.” Zivon poured the liquid down Macy’s throat.
    “What do you give her?”
    “A tonic to neuter her curse.” He massaged her throat, forcing her to swallow the medicine. “In time her magic will cleanse her system of any other issues. It is the best I can do. Tell me of the dragon warlock.”
    “I know nothing of him.” Unease rose within him as the inquisition darkened. Something was not right about Zivon’s curiosity. “We left when she was attacked.”
    Zivon stood. “Tell me his location.”
    “He has no bearing on this deal.”
    “He has everything to do with this deal,” the man shouted. “Tell me his location and you live.”
    Dmitri shoved between Macy and Zivon. “You could by law drain me dry for the service you performed today—a life for a life. Yet you choose to let me live for a dragon warlock’s location?”
    “I made a blood vow to another long ago that I would find someone. The magic is too similar to be a coincidence. That dragon warlock is the one I’ve sought.” Determination lowered the man’s voice, sharpening it. “Make no mistake, Prince Dmitri, I would relish draining you dry for your father’s atrocities, but the vow I made must take precedence. It is our way, if you do not recall.”
    Dmitri nodded. “And your intent with this man?”
    “Not your concern.”
    “She’s his friend.”
    “I would suggest she find friends who cause less damage.” Zivon regarded Macy with disinterest.
    “I’d tend to agree. We’ll discuss it when she’s better.” Nothing mattered beyond Macy’s health. “I should return her to the human realm.”
    “Your father’s army is no doubt searching for you. It will take them a while to get the balls to tread into this land. Let her rest for tonight. You can have my place.” Zivon held out his hand. “For now we’ll set our differences aside for a common goal. Destroy the king.”
    Though a part of him warred with the sentiment, Dmitri accepted it was time to do something more to protect his people. Latching onto the healer’s hand, he nodded grimly.

Chapter Six
    One thousand bongo drummers banged an endless thrum devised to torture her. It was the only explanation Macy could fathom for why her temples throbbed and searing pain ripped portions of her brain into two.
    The last thing she remembered was the pain. Flames. Dragos.
    Needling prickles wove through her magic, an unwanted strand of tonic. Goddesses, what the hell had happened? Darkness engulfed her when she blinked her eyes open. A lone flame flickered across the wall. She summoned the morsel of light to life, but it didn’t respond. The unknown tonic riddled her power useless.
    Crud. This is so not good.
    She pushed upward and collapsed backward when the movement see-sawed her brain into a bout of nausea she was pretty sure she couldn’t stop. She swallowed, heaved, swallowed.
    Oh, crud.
    “Lean forward.” Dmitri. Oh no, no, no. He can’t see this. Crud. A bucket appeared. Her stomach heaved. Her treacherous throat supported her evil gut’s decision.
    Warm hands stroked her back, her arms.
    “You’re okay, Macy.”
    A damp cloth appeared. Strong fingers cupped her cheek and turned her head. She was lost in his grey gaze, lit with concern and something else. Tenderness? She didn’t know what she saw in his aura, but it was there, a wondrous thing that made her insides churn with awareness.
    He dabbed at her mouth, a grin spreading on his face. “I can always expect the unexpected from you, little dragon.”
    She swallowed, tested her voice. “Where are we?”
    The squeak made her wince. He leaned over and grabbed a mug. “Here, drink this.”
    She complied, her gaze

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