Hell Bound (Book 2): A World Apart

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Book: Hell Bound (Book 2): A World Apart by Kathy Dinisi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Dinisi
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
zombie and he was trying to eat me.
    I wipe the tears away from my eyes and try to push the horrible, image of my son out of my head. Looking around for Mathew but finding nothing but a cold empty pillow. I scan the living room, finding Kat, John, Jake cuddled up on the floor.
    Hearing whispering coming from the kitchen I start walking that way.
    “What’s wrong?” I whisper.
    “They’re out there side,” Devlin says quietly.
    “Right now?” I say frantically looking from both men.
    “Yes, there down the block we think,” Mathew adds.
    “What makes you think that?” I ask not really wanting to know the answer. For just one night, I would like to sleep peacefully without worrying about zombies or my family safety.
    “We've seen several of them down the block. Not sure what they are doing. Waiting maybe,” Devlin answers.
    “Waiting for what?”
    “More of them,” Devlin says pointing to a zombie walking by the house down the street to the next block.
    “Should we go?”
    “Maybe...Maybe not.”
    “Why maybe?”
    “I don't think they know we're here, we are thinking of walking over there and seeing what they are doing,” Mathew says checking his gun.
    “What no! You can’t go out there,” I practically scream, grabbing Mathew by the hand, pleading for him not to go.
    “We need to see what these fuckers are up too,” Devlin says putting his knife in his shoe and his gun in his pants buckle.
    “Well, if you guys go outside, then I go with you.”
    “No babe you stay here in the house.”
    “Hell no, I'm not leaving your side again. Either I go with you or you don't go at all.”
    Mathew stares at me for a minute “Fine, But don't go running off with younger men.” Mathew says jokingly.
    Ignoring his comment I walk back to the living room and grab my gun from Kat’s bag. I check to see if it’s loaded and I shove extra bullets in my pocket. Mathew wakes up Jake and fills him in on what we are doing. Jake slowly gets up and waits by the front door for us to leave.
    “Ready?” Mathew says to Devlin and myself.
    Nodding our heads Mathew opens up the back door and we follow him outside. The back yard is completely empty other than an old beat up playground. The simple kind that just has a slide and two swings.
    Following close behind Mathew and with Devlin close behind me. Mathew jumps over the brown fence, helping me over. Devlin jumps over the fence last, landing on his knees and rolling forward. He gets up and follows behind us. We try to stay quiet as we run in the dark from house to house, yard to yard. Trying not to bump into anything. The moonlight gives us our only source of light which isn’t much.
    Mathew runs behind a ripped up overturned coach near the street where we saw the zombies. Looks like the couch was left here for the trash man to pick up on his weekly trash runs. The zombies keep walking past us, dragging their broken body parts behind them. Scared that they can smell us or hear us I try to smash my body against the couch. The couch smells like someone or something has been urinating on it.
    “They don't seem to know we’re here,” Mathew whispers as he peeks around the couch and watches the zombies walk by.
    One by one the zombies makes their way to an abandoned building at the end of the street.
    “What are they doing? “I manage to stumble out. My voice cracking and breaking. My hands start to sweat and my heart starts hammering against my chest.
    “Don’t know. Making a home or a nest in that building?” Devlin answers.
    “Nest? Nest for what?”
    “Don‘t know, but I'm not liking it. Let’s get a little closer,” Mathew whispers.
    Nervously I follow close behind them, hunching over so the zombies can’t see me run by. Not wanting to go any further, but wanting to know what they have planned. Mathew and Devlin run behind a parked truck that's parked in front of the house that the zombies went into. The building that the zombies are gathering inside of is a

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