Alpha Howl (A BBW Shifter Werewolf MC Romance) (Sons of Thunder MC: Book 2)

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Book: Alpha Howl (A BBW Shifter Werewolf MC Romance) (Sons of Thunder MC: Book 2) by Deva Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deva Long
    I breathed in the jasmine oil she dabbed around the floor before my sessions. She stopped using incense years ago, after studies showing the smoke caused more health problems than cigarettes.
    Sari brightened. “Well, a dangerous precipice isn’t always a bad thing. A few weeks ago you went north with your friend.”
    “Yeah. Leslie’s pals went skiing and invited me. Sarah broke her wrist. I thought I would die when they took me down a black diamond slope.” Sari smiled brightly.
    “You had fun?”
    Once Sari told me Jasmine is a good scent for passionate people, helping to smooth out their highs and lows.
    “Yeah.” I leaned forward and grabbed my ankles. “So, he’s like an expert ski trail. Scary, but fun.”
    Sari mirrored my pose, touching her forehead to the wooden floor.
    “You should have seen what he did to those kidnappers. He and his brother Jack took them apart. They were bad men, really awful.” I wrinkled my brow. “The kidnappers, I mean.”
    She nodded. “Shooting?”
    “Yes,” my heart raced at the memory. “Jack's boat was all full of holes.” I moved into the pose as far as I could, trying to flatten my stomach to my upper thighs
    “I’m amazed Karl didn’t get hit,” I gasped, pushing into my stretch.
    “Your Paschimottanasana is getting better, Grace.” She pronounced the long word with precision, mouthing each syllable as if eating something she liked. She stretched, mimicking my pose. I noticed she didn’t gasp at all.
    “What color are his eyes?”
    I lost my concentration and almost fell down. “His eyes?” I thought. “They are kind of weird. Very blue. But with green flecks.”
    My heart sped up.
    “I’ve never seen eyes like his before.”
    Sari sat up, moving as smoothly as water over moss. She furrowed her brows and nodded.
    “I think if you want your life to stay the same, you should not see this man. If you are looking for a great change, you should consider answering his call.”
    “But he seems so dominant. I don’t like guys like that.”
    “I’ve known you for a few years now, Grace. You don’t like the guys you like.”
    I thought about rolling up my yoga mat and going home right then. I glared at her. She gazed back at me from her lotus pose. Daring me to deny her.
    “Straighten your back when you sit like this in the Sukhasana.”
    I blew my bangs from my face with a puff, but I also straightened my back. Sari could be rather dominant herself.
    I breathed out. “You’re right, Sari. What I’ve been doing hasn’t been working. I date guys who are cute and a little funny, but I get bored fast. They get hurt.”
    I tightened my stomach muscles, moving my breath upward and out.
    “Then, I fall asleep and almost get kidnapped into some sick drug-lords harem. I guess whatever is scaring me about Karl can’t be worse than what he saved me from.”
    “Maybe he scares you because he is the first man you’ve met would could rescue you from something terrible.”
    She took my wrists in her small hands. A thrill coursed through me.
    “Yes, but there are things about him. Scary things.”
    Sari patted my hand.
    “Did he hurt you?”
    “No…I mean he did, he pinched me, and held me so I couldn’t move.”
    I had to stop thinking about how Karl touched me. I had thin, white yoga pants on. I didn’t want Sari to think I couldn’t control myself.
    “He’s dominant. He likes to be in control.” My face flushed. “He’s into BDSM.”
    Sari smiled. “That’s not so unusual. Many powerful men are like that,” she said with a mellow resonance.
    “Living in a crowded place, people gravitate to extremes. More dominant men. More feminine women. There have been studies. It’s biology.”
    She rubbed the red marks his belt left on my wrists.
    Sari made a little cooing sound and her forehead wrinkled. “Let me get you some salve.”
    “Don’t worry, Sari. It doesn’t hurt.” But she was moving, her bare feet padding on the carpet. No

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