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Book: Dishonored by Maria Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Barrett
Teddy and he’s single!”
     She said the last word with triumph and Jane shuddered. “Oh, Jane,” she exclaimed, “he’s perfect for you! I can hardly believe
     it! We’re supposed to be going out to dinner, the four of us, tonight! We’re having a few drinks at the—”
    “Clare…” Jane shook her head.
    “It’s just that he told Teddy he needed cheering up and he’s at a loose end while he’s on leave, he works in India at the
     moment, some sort of job for the maharajah and he said…”
    “He’s jolly good-looking don’t you think, Jane? And much nearer your age than any of the other people we’ve introduced you
    “Clare! That’s enough!” Jane stood up. She knew that Clare had the best intentions but she really didn’t think this was a
     good idea. She was tired, she had the beginnings of a headache and she’d been on enough of Clare’s blind dates to last her
     a lifetime. “Look,” she said, as kindly as she could, “why don’t you go out with this Phillip chap and leave me behind. I’m
     sure you’d be able to rustle up one of your glamorous girlfriends to make up a four.” Jane smiled, one of her no-nonsense,
     older-sister smiles, and straightened her skirt. “How about Abby?” she suggested but looking across at her sister, she saw
     Clare’s face drop. “Perhaps not Abby,” she said lamely.
    Clare stood and walked across to the door. “I’d better tell them you’re not coming,” she said miserably.
    Jane caught the hint of a tear in her voice and heard a faint sniff. She hated herself.
    “Oh all right,” she said a few moments later, just as Clare pulled the door open. “If it means that much to you I’ll come!”
    Clare spun around. “Really? You will?”
    “Yes.” Jane smiled despite her irritation and longed for a stronger will power. “Give me a few minutes to smarten myself up,”
     she said. “But I’m warning you, I’m not putting on anything fancy!”
    “No, no of course not!” Clare beamed, thoroughly pleased with herself. She was convinced this was it, she had at last found
     the right man for Jane. In her book, twenty-six and unmarried was practically a sin. “See you in a few minutes then?”
    “Yes, a few minutes.” Clare shut the door behind her and Jane sighed heavily. “Not that I’ve got anything fancy,” she muttered,
     looking in the mirror and smoothing her hair. “And even if I did,” she said aloud to her reflection, “it wouldn’t make the
     slightest bit of difference.”
    The cocktail bar at the Ritz was full and as Phillip sat across the table from Jane in silence the noise and hub of conversation
     around them served only to make him feel more miserable. It was a mistake, this evening; he was in a bad mood, depressed even,
     and he should never have agreed to come out.
    He looked across the room at Teddy and Clare who had by chance met up with a friend of Teddy’s and who stood at the bar talking
     animatedly and laughing, Clare furtively glancing over every now and then to check how her sister was getting on. She was
     a good-looking girl, he thought, watching as she slipped on to a bar stool and showed an expanse of long slim thigh, and she
     was giving it her best shot, leaving them alone to chat, giving them plenty of time to get to know each other. He turned his
     attention back to Jane and attempted a smile. It was a shame, he was really too down to enjoy himself.
    “Would you like a smoke?” he said, to make conversation.
    “Yes, please,” Phillip held out his cigarette case and Jane took one. She waited for him to offer her a light, then said,
     “It’s pretty ghastly this, isn’t it?”
    “What?” Phillip sat back.
    “This evening. Clare glancing over every five seconds to see if we’re having a good time, leaving us alone expectantly.” She
     smiled, genuinely amused at Phillip’s shock. “Oh it’s all right,’’ she said, “I’m quite used to it! Clare and her

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