Broken Obsession - Part Two

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Book: Broken Obsession - Part Two by Trisha Fuentes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trisha Fuentes
Tags: Soul Mate, sadness, undying love, part two, loves lesson
into her lap. A big huge smile surfaced as she
leaned over to pet two puppies with both hands. “Just one;
whichever one you want baby, he’s your birthday present.”
    Peyton ran around the area and the puppies all
followed him; he stopped, they stopped, he ran, they ran. He was
having piles of fun. “I want that one,” he pointed toward the
    Amber jerked her head around and lo and behold, a
lone puppy was sitting in the corner watching all the other puppies
joyfully wander about. He was quiet and still, hadn’t moved, but
started to wag his tail the moment Peyton walked toward him.
    Peyton plopped himself on the ground and offered the
puppy his open arms. The puppy hesitated, and then gradually
strolled toward his new owner. Peyton scooped the puppy up in his
confine and walked him over to his mother. “He’s going to be my
    “Patient?” Madge asked bewildered, gazing at Amber’s
shocked stare.
    “He wants to be a doctor when he grows up,” Amber
    “Good to know,” Madge pinpointed.
    Later, Amber, the new puppy, Mrs. Lopez and Peyton
were all upstairs playing pretend ‘Urgent Care’. Peyton was walking
around with a fake chart in his hands while Amber heard Eduardo’s
entrance downstairs. She sprung to her feet and halted the fake
hospital with her hands. “Wait here, don’t anyone move, I want to
break it to him gently.”
    Mrs. Lopez shook her head, “Mr. Sanchez said no
dogs . I told you he’s not going to like it.”
    Amber snorted, “Too bad, the puppy stays.”
    Amber then sprinted out the doorway and down the long
staircase to find Eduardo wandering about searching for her. When
Eduardo sees her, his arms go wide and Amber ran into them. They
embrace long and hard when Eduardo buried his nose into her
    He began to kiss her neck but Amber backed away.
    “Now don’t get mad,” she cautiously voiced.
    “What did you do?” He asked playfully.
    “Oh please don’t get mad—promise me you won’t get
mad?” Amber begged now, her hands flat together in prayer.
    Eduardo took off his suit jacket and laid it down on
the foyer chair. He was feeling nothing but guiltiness lately,
spending too much time at work thinking about that blond; her legs,
her allure, the way she walked around confident and smiling during
the day. “OK—really, what did you do?”
    Amber could tell his voice was stern, but there was
also something else in his face she just couldn’t place her finger
on. Amber let her intuition roll off her shoulders; she was just
too revved up to pursue his mystified expression. “OK...oh hell,
just come with me upstairs.” Amber subsequently grabbed his arm and
led him up the staircase.
    Eduardo headed toward their bedroom, thinking that
they were about to make love, but then Amber detoured them into the
opposite direction toward their son’s room.
    Eduardo walked in surprised to see Mrs. Lopez lying
on the floor, while Peyton pretended to operate on her.
    Peyton’s eyes lit up within seeing his daddy and ran
to him instantly, “Daddy—Daddy! Look at my patients! Look at my
    “I know, I know I see her,” he laughed, scooping his
little boy into his arms and hugging his body near. Then, without
warning, he noticed the ball of fluff sitting on the right near
Peyton’s bed. The puppy started to wag his tail, but remained
seated; his little legs bent and twisted sideways, tissue paper
wrapped around one paw. Eduardo turned toward his wife and Amber
smirked, then beamed, shut her eyes and was about to burst with
    “Oh baby, he loves him. They’re kindred spirits those
two. You should see how he follows Peyton around, it’s so adorable—it’s as if he’s been here forever.”
    Eduardo bent down and placed Peyton back onto the
ground. Peyton hurriedly stomped toward his new puppy and gave him
a huge hug. Peyton then began to wrap

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