So Gross!

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Book: So Gross! by J A Mawter Read Free Book Online
Authors: J A Mawter
giving the boys another blast.
    ‘Hey, Coach,’ said Secker. ‘It’s not worth getting all emotional, like.’
    ‘Must’ve something in me eye.’
    ‘What? Both of them?’
    Coach glared at Secker. ‘You. You’re playing like me old granny. Keep it up an’ Toft gets a boot in.’
    The whistle blew for the second half. ‘Now go out there and kill ‘em,’ roared Coach.
    Frank Castro scored a goal and so did Gumby. Things were looking up. Gumby snuck a look at Coach. He was weeping into his hankie, overcome by the moment.
    Gumby quickly looked away.
    The guy was an embarrassment.
    When the final whistle went, Gumby’s team had won. By two points.
    Simon and Dillon were dancing around clapping each other on the back. Yonnie rushed over to give them all a friendly punch, not a speck of dirt on him. The rest of them were wrapped in a giant team hug.
    And in the middle of it all stood Coach, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks. Every now and then he’d wipe them away before letting rip into his hankie.
    The fact that Coach was using a hankie registered with Gumby. To him hankies meant one thing — boogies.
    In all the commotion Gumby sidled up to Coach, gently easing the hankie from his back pocket. He pulled it open to see the wettest, slipperiest, most beautiful snail trail he had ever seen.
    ‘We’ve done it,’ he yelled, running up to his mates.
    ‘Great game,’ agreed Dillon. ‘We showed them,’ said Simon, laughing. Yonnie just stood there with a sick grin on his face.
    ‘Not that,’ said Gumby. ‘This.’ He held up Coach’s hankie, prising it open to reveal what looked like a squashed albino slug.
    ‘You mean?’ said Yonnie, flicking his head in Coach’s direction.
    ‘Sure do.’ Gumby grinned. ‘I officially declare that the best boogie collection in all the world … is complete.’ He turned to the spectators stand. ‘Now, where’s Max?’

Chapter One
    It was written on the back of the envelope he’d found on his bag.
    SWAK? What did it mean? Sam Wylie’s A Kook? Nahhh. Sam Wylie’s a King? As if. More like, Sam Wylie’s a Knob.
    Sam studied the envelope closely. There was no clue as to who had sent it. A tingle shot up his spine, the same tingle you get when there’s a letter for you in the mailbox at home.
    ‘Sam’s got a girlfriend,’ Harry Rice started to chant. Then louder, ‘Sam’s got a girlfriend.’
    ‘Sssshh,’ said Sam, looking around and hoping no one had heard. The envelope was covered in red hearts, hand-drawn, in various sizes. He frowned. Who would send him a Valentine’s Day card?
    Tyrone Landers ran over, asking, ‘Who’s it from?’ Sam tried to stuff the envelope into his pocket but Tyrone plucked it out. He held it up to the light, peering through the paper to read what was inside.
    ‘Give it here,’ said Sam, snatching for it.
    Tyrone hid it behind his back.
    ‘Sam’s got a girlfriend,’ Harry started again.
    ‘It’s mine.’ Sam reached behind Tyrone, but Tyrone was too quick and threw the note to Harry.Sam was left grasping at air. Before he knew what was happening Harry had ripped open the envelope. There was a red card inside.
    ‘No!’ yelled Sam as Harry’s fingers reached for the card.
    Sam lunged, pulling the card from Harry’s clutches. Well, most of the card. There was an almighty tear. One corner stayed firmly clasped between Harry’s forefinger and thumb. He proceeded to shove it in his mouth and swallow.
    ‘Whatcha do that for?’ said Sam, punching Harry.
    ‘We’re only mucking around,’ said Harry, rubbing his arm.
    ‘Yeah,’ said Tyrone. ‘Just having a bit of fun.’
    ‘Some fun,’ said Sam. He put the red card back in the envelope and threw it in his bag. ‘Hey, Harry,’ he said, doing up the zip. ‘I notice you don’t have one.’
    Harry shrugged. ‘So what?’
    Tyrone swished a square of white paper under Sam’s nose. ‘But I do. From Tally.’
    ‘Tally Jones wouldn’t send you a

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