Templar's Destiny (9780545415095)

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Book: Templar's Destiny (9780545415095) by Kat Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Black
and I had no reason why that should be so.
    The animals of the forest stirred as I walked past, and the power of the land rippled beneath my feet. I drew a cloak of the glistening strands around me, cocooned in the warmth, comforted. My use of the power should have left me drained, but oddly enough I felt strong, renewed. Bertrand was gone. Another friend, another life taken. I didn’t know him as well as I did the Templar, but his loss was keenly felt.
    I was glad the road was empty, for I had not the heart for another confrontation, and my mind was much too occupied. The Templar trainees were up to something. They had killed Bertrand, I was certain of it, but I had little reason to believe it and less to prove it.
    The inn was nearly deserted when I arrived. The woman who had given us our room stooped by the hearth, stacking new wood as an old man watched from a nearby bench. Neither spoke when I stepped inside, but a ripple in the web of power brought my steps to a halt.
    My thoughts leapt to Aine. I reached for her quickly, sending my thoughts along a tendril of power, but there was no response. I hurried across the common room and into the one we had let. It was dark, and I moved to the shutter to let in some light.
    â€œDid I no’ tell ye to wait?”
    I whipped about, my dagger in my hand and outstretched before I had even managed the thought. The words came from the shadow of a man seated in the corner. His cloak was drawn close, and his frame was smaller than my memory had painted it, but joy still rose in me. “Alexander?”
    â€œAye, lad.” He stood as I crossed the room.
    I couldn’t believe that after all this time he was finally here. I didn’t know what to do or say. We’d been through so much, and I’d missed him badly. Once I would have thrown my arms around his waist and hugged him as I would have my da, but so much had happened. I was no longer that person, that bairn that I was at the very beginning of all of this.
    He made it easy. He clapped my back strongly and grasped my forearms as one Brother of the Order would have another. I returned the embrace. “It’s good, a’ last, to see ye, my friend,” he said.
    â€œBetter to see ye, Alexander,” I replied. The feel of welcome and safety he projected made me breathe more comfortably. His gaze passed over me, as mine did him. I was surprised at what I found. I could scarce believe that his hair had as much silvery gray as it did. It had not been so long a time. I was shocked by his appearance. He seemed far older. His cheeks were sunken, and he was thin.
    â€œHow are ye?” I asked, deeply concerned.
    â€œI am as well as I could be, an’ far better than I might. I would no’ be here a’ all if it were no’ for you.”
    His words reminded me. “Bertrand …” I began, and was embarrassed to feel my eyes begin to tear.
    He nodded, his face filled with sadness. “I foresaw what happened, but I had hoped an’ prayed that it would be otherwise.”
    â€œI arrived too late to discover what truly was going on or to do anything to stop it.” Guilt was thick within me.
    â€œYe did what ye could, lad. Bertrand went home in peace to the Lord.” He drew away and sat heavily on the stool by the table.
    â€œBut I was no’ able to save him, to use my healing abilities.” I could barely meet his eyes.
    â€œTormod. The Lord asks many things o’ us, but nothing we are unable to give. What ye gave Bertrand was more than any other would have been able. Every man does what he must. Ye do well with the gifts ye’ve been given.”
    Just speaking to him made me feel better. “Ye came to me in my time o’ need, called upon the Lord, an’ were granted a miracle,” he said. “Yer heart full o’ goodness brought me back when I thought that I never would see another sunlight.”
    â€œBut I used the power for myself

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