Windswept (The Airborne Saga)

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Book: Windswept (The Airborne Saga) by Constance Sharper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance Sharper
been to Portland once, to visit the late head councilman ,” Avery said before she thought about it.
    Perry ’s face turned ashen. She pulled out a tray of cookies and left them ignored.
    “Poor Samuel. Poor Adalyn. I sometimes think too much happens to that family since they’ve gone so far to help Jericho’s bloodline.”
    Avery twitched at the name. Suddenly engrossed in the floor, she played with her options.
    “What happened to Adalyn?” Avery asked.
    “Didn’t you hear, honey? Her home was destroyed.”
    “By Patrick?” she said before she could stop herself. This name made Perry’s eyes glaze over for a moment.
    “Patrick, my dear? What Patrick?” Perry’s attention now fixated, Avery couldn’t move around the subject. Forced to continue, Avery did.
    “Patrick Smith…he was the harpie that broke out of jail not too long ago.” The same day Avery had been sentenced to death by the harpie government on the top of that same jail. Yes, Avery knew there were some things she should learn to keep quiet about.
    If Perry recognized the connection, she didn’t speak on it.
    “Oh , yes, I think I’ve heard the name of that convict. Still wanted by the government. But for the life of me, I can’t remember why he was in jail. Probably murder—they only lock the worst of the worst up in there.”
    Avery perked up again. It never dawned on her to ask what Patrick had done to end up in prison. He had never broached the subject of his past in the s hort time she knew him and she never found out after he’d been gone. Probably murder, Perry swore. Avery knew Patrick to be capable—as most harpies—but it did leave a distinct new fear about him. If he’d been convicted for murder, how did that play into Adalyn? And Adalyn’s warning to Avery? Patrick could have done it before so why hadn’t he?
    “Yea h, everyone’s still afraid of him being loose and all. I heard Samuel’s compound had burned down and just assumed…”
    “Burned down? Samuel’s compound had been blown to pieces sweetie. That was the strongest bomb I’ve ever seen to level a place that size. But as for Patrick—most criminals don’t run around with no benefit to themselves ,” Perry explained as she offered Avery a few slices of jam and bread.
    Maybe Adalyn and Patrick had just gotten into a big fight. There was nothing like domestic violence and blowing down buildings to make a point. But Patrick hadn’t wanted Adalyn dead—he’d said that. Why would he blow the place to shreds? Or why would she?
                  But it was what Perry said next that Avery never saw coming.
                  “There was a witness—a survivor. She’d know what happened even if she didn’t do it—not a big talker though, I suppose. She is locked up right now down by the police station.  I’m sure that’s why Prince Mason and Councilman Stern have their feathers in a bunch. Rushing over to see us in Portland—psh. They knew we’d back Jericho’s bloodline anyways. So yes, I know Prince Mason isn’t here on the political campaign.”
                  “Wait, who is the survivor?” Avery suddenly ignored her food and stood from the table.
                  “Oh, come now, have you not heard? The harpie they found beaten half way to death and covered in earth and ash? You may know her as a criminal, but she’s royalty really. Her name is Eva.”
                  “Strawberry or chocolate? Milk or dark? And frosted?”
                  Perry got her delicious reputation for something, but somehow Avery didn’t enjoy answering twenty questions when her mind focused on other things. Her flour-coated hands hovered above whatever bowl of mix she was supposed to be spinning.

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