Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy)

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Book: Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy) by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
probably be more of a hindrance than a help."
I tuned back in to hear Jennifer laughing off Sam's insult, that's my sister
for you, jovial to the bone.
"Come on Samantha we have so much to talk about. "
    "Excuse me do I know you?"
"I'm Gabriel's sister Jennifer silly, I just told you."
"If you call me silly again I'll pop you one."
"Okay dirty Harry calm down we have company."
The chief rolled himself over to the girls while I held my face in my hand.
"Son what did you give that poor girl to drink?"
"She was too nervous to fly mom so I gave her some champagne."
"I'm thinking you might not want to be doing that again anytime soon
" Thanks for the heads up dad, though you seem to find it funny."
"She's adorable, what do you think Summer , should
we go meet our new daughter?"
Well hell.
    I followed behind them as they approached the trio who seemed to
be having some sort of debate.
"I'm telling you chief Holder, with just the right shade of lipstick she'd
be stunning."
"And I'm telling you Jenny, that you can't put lipstick on this particular
pig because it will bite your head off."
What the hell were they talking about?
I guess chief forgot he was sitting within reach of Sam when he called her a
pig because she set Prince Charles on his head.
"Get that damn rat off my head before I skin him while you're
asleep." Of course she didn't take too kindly to that.
"You even think about it and I'll fix your chair so it doesn't lock.
"Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney I give you my delightful daughter Jane Hudson, aka
‘Whatever happened to baby Jane’?"
You've got to be kidding me.

Chapter 25
    I'm worried for my girl , none of these yahoos better not say a
bad word to her or I'll be the one looking for the nearest gun cabinet, my baby
might have her quirks but she's a good kid.
I don't think the boy would let anybody hurt her though, he's worst than a
clucking hen with her chicks.
Ever since we got here he's been hovering around her like he was afraid she
would disappear, more like he was afraid she would get into the liquor supply.
I hate to admit it but my daughter's a lush, I've never seen such a spectacle
in all my days.
Jenny seemed to be a nice enough girl but I was afraid if she didn't dial it
down a notch Miss. Priss might deck her one.
    The boy's parents were nice enough, father seemed taken with my
girl, wait until the first time she lit into him, then we'll see.
"Oh lord what now?" I heard the commotion before I reached the room
where Miss. Priss and Jenny were hobnobbing.
"I don't want to go shopping, I hate shopping; shopping is for air headed
cumquats who have nothing better to do."
"What's a cumquat?"
"It's a fruit nitwit, maybe if you stopped sniffing paint you might learn
"I don't sniff paint Sam, you're so silly."
Oh shit.
    "Don't you do it Mary Flora Bell."
" Who's that? I thought Gabriel said your name was
"She was a young serial killer in England, well she killed two boys
supposedly so I don't know why that makes her a serial killer, again, if you
lay off whatever drug of the week you're on you might know these things."
"Uhhh, Sam, I don't think anybody knows these things."
"Well I do."
"And I swear she's not on wacky weed, she just acts like it."
"Shut it."
Where's that son in law of mine anyway, he knows better than to leave Attila
the Hun alone with his little sister, the girl can't weigh but eighty pounds
wet, if she pisses off Miss. Priss she's liable to knock her clear into next

Chapter 26
    I heard the chief mumbling to himself as soon as I reached
downstairs, I'd been up in my study playing catch up on some of my work that
I'd neglected while away.
Things looked like I expected them to so I could once again concentrate on the
craziness that has become my life.
"What seems to be the problem now chief?"
" Are you insane boy, didn't I tell you yesterday not to leave those two
alone together?"
Not this again, he was convinced that Sam was going to do Jenny in, which in an

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