Monroe, Marla - The Hired Hands' Dilemma [The Men of Space Station One #3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Book: Monroe, Marla - The Hired Hands' Dilemma [The Men of Space Station One #3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
gardening books just fine.
    “Are we going to have sex tonight?” Ashley asked out of the blue.
    Keeton nearly passed out. Boyd chuckled and shook his head at Keeton’s expression.

Chapter Eight

    Ashley wasn’t sure why the men were acting like what she asked was so weird. It was a valid question. They’d been together, more or less, for nearly a week now, and hadn’t had sex. Oh, she’d had oral sex, and it had been absolutely wonderful, but it wasn’t true sex. She was still a virgin, for goodness’ sake, a married virgin at that.
    “Um, Ashley, we’ll talk about that after dinner tonight,” Boyd told her.
    Keeton had vacated the premises, saying he needed to wash up after dealing with the horses. He was avoiding the subject, is what he was doing. Ashley vowed she would have her answers right after dinner even if she had to pounce on them. Hmm, pouncing wasn’t all that bad of an idea.
    After dinner, the men did the dishes, though she assured them she could stand on one leg and wash while they dried and put up. Since they insisted on doing it, she relaxed and let them.
    As soon as they all went to the living room, she brought up the subject again.
    “Ashley, baby. I don’t want to hurt your leg. The doctor said we had to be careful of it for a few days while it heals.” Boyd tried to reason with her.
    “The doctor told me that I could have sex as long as I didn’t use my leg. I don’t think there are that many positions where I have to use my leg.” She crossed her arms and directed her attention at Keeton. Keeton seemed to wilt under her stare.
    “Why won’t you have sex with me, Keeton?”
    “Because you’re a virgin and I don’t do virgins. Boyd has to take your virginity first.”
    “Then let me give you a blow job,” Ashley suggested with an innocent expression on her face.
    Keeton nearly exploded. “That’s it. No more books for you.”
    “We seem to have a dilemma here. I want sex and you won’t give it to me. Should I ask for someone who will?”
    Both men gave an emphatic “No!”
    Boyd sighed. “Baby, we’re worried about you. God knows we want you something fierce, but you’re hurt. Let’s wait until you’re well so we can take our time and make it special for you.”
    “I don’t want to wait. I’m fine,” Ashley said.
    “Fine,” Keeton said. “Boyd, you take care of her. Just be careful of her leg.”
    “What if I can’t do it?” Boyd asked. “I mean you’re asking me to perform on demand here.”
    “I have faith in you. You can do it.”
    “If her leg looks okay, I’ll do it.” Boyd finally gave in.
    Neither man had noticed that Ashley was crying until they looked up.
    “What is it?” Boyd asked, kneeling in front of her.
    “Just never mind. I don’t want you making love to me if you feel like you just have to do it. I’m not a charity case.”
    “Aw, baby. It’s not like that. We’re just worried about you. We think you’re going too fast.”
    “I don’t feel a part of you. I want to feel part of a family, and right now, I don’t feel a part of anything.”
    “Hell, Ashley. You’re a big part of this family. Without you, there is no family. You bind us together.”
    “But sex is the glue that binds, and we haven’t had sex,” she insisted.
    “Let’s see how your leg is and after your bath, how you’re feeling. Then we’ll go from there, okay?” Boyd seemed to be trying hard.
    “I’m ready for my bath now.” She sniffed and waited for one of them to carry her upstairs.
    Keeton picked her up and carried her upstairs to the bedroom. He stood her up on one leg and began to undress her. She didn’t protest or help, and he knew she was truly upset. He soon had her clothes off of her, and carried her to the bathroom, where he sat her on the closed toilet lid while he prepared her bathwater.
    Once he had it like he wanted it, he picked her up and sat her in the tub, making sure her wounded leg stayed out of the water. He fixed a towel to

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