Belonging Part III
that so he gave her a generous amount each month and ensured that she kept her distance. She did until Hudson was older and exposed the truth. Hudson had made a success of his business, but that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted Roy to pay for the mistakes that his father had made. I couldn’t understand why because it had nothing to do with Roy.
    One thing for sure, I came to the conclusion that Hudson was a nasty piece of work. After Roy had confessed what was going on in his life – the truth – we returned to our room, as lovers, like we did before Hudson came into my life.

Chapter Nineteen
    I unpack, then I book my sessions with Peter my trainer from Monday onwards and life from here on out feels pretty good. I call Grandma and ask her if I can visit tomorrow. Roy had made it clear he wanted to catch up on business for the next couple of days, so I thought it was a good idea to catch up with my family.
    “What you doing?” he asks as he enters the room.
    “Putting my things away from my short trip to Paris. Problem?” I ask as I flop on the bed. I wasn’t expecting him to drop down on top of me.
    “You’re heavy,” I scream as I push him aside. He moves and then pulls me on top of him.
    “What do you want, Roy Sparks?”
    He kisses me gently and questions, “Where are we moving to?” Really, he wants us to move? He wants this as much as I do. I’m so relieved by his question, I give him so many kisses on his lips. He laughs and says, “Wherever you go I will follow.” He stares at me for a brief moment, then releases my wild hair and it flops all over my face. I laugh. “Why are you laughing?”
    “I look wild when my hair is out and you constantly want it out.”
    “You look free and beautiful.”
    Damn, he knows the right things to say all the time. I kiss him passionately as he moves beside me. 
    He gets up and closes the door.  He starts to strip me and then he takes off my dress and bra. I take off his clothes and toss them towards the arm chair.  As we’re both naked in the bed, I wrap my arms around him and then we fall asleep. I sleep with the biggest smile on my face, I could get used to this.  Actually, I am used to this.

Chapter Twenty
    I am woken by a kiss on the lips and apologies of work. Roy always connects with Dubai on Sunday. He says they work from Sunday to Thursday, but every other country works Monday to Friday, so it’s a good day to pick up with them.
    I know the kiss means a jog on the treadmill, then he will be in the office pretty much the whole day. I get up and decide I won’t work out today. I’ll leave that for tomorrow when I start my sessions with Peter. Today I’m going to see grandma. It feels like a lifetime since I’ve seen her even though in reality it’s only been a couple of weeks. I pick up the phone and call her. 
    “Grandma!” I shout as I hear the loud music playing in the background.
    “Deborah. You back already?”
    Hmm, forgot I told her that I was going to Paris.
    “Yep. Roy and work.” Gosh, I hate lying.
    “So, you coming over?”
    “Sure, going to get in the shower and then I’ll be on my way.”
    “Can’t wait to see you.”
    “What’s the—” before I can finish asking her about the music she’s hung up. Great! Probably means that the house is full. I was just about to call Henry when I thought of the craziest thing.
    There’s no need. I’ll just take the bus.  Shit, that was my life before I met Roy. I used to take the bus everywhere. I never had a driver and I don’t want to call Henry to take me out, especially on a Sunday. I feel good doing things I would do normally. I mean I’m not even working. I’ve never been accustomed to this lifestyle, it’s all new to me.
    I grab my bag and run out the door with my knee length sky blue dress flowing in the air with my matching heels. Something about the colour blue that seems to set off my skin tone.  I love this colour on me.  As I was just about to close the front

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