Lucy Zeezou's Goal

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Book: Lucy Zeezou's Goal by Liz Deep-Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Deep-Jones
loves football is a bit intriguing. How did you become obsessed with the silly game?’ Bella laughed at my enthusiasm.
    â€˜Football’s in my blood. I’ve been playing since Icould walk. It’s like a magical escape. There’s nothing like running free and dancing with the ball until you reach the goal. Nothing else makes me feel that way. And I owe it to my Nonno Dino, who taught me to play. He used to say that one day I’d carry the Zoffi name into the next generation of football greats. And one day I will.’
    Bella shook her head. ‘I would never have thought that someone like you would be into chasing a ball with a bunch of jocks. You don’t look like a football player, you’re far too glamorous. Your mum’s right, you should be a model.’
    I shrugged, but Bella was on a rant. If only she knew there was a lump on the back of my head the size of an egg from the game the other day. My hair covered it, but it was still painful when I touched it. Glamorous – hardly!
    â€˜Modelling would be a great career. You can make loads of money, travel the world and hang out with movie stars, always looking fabulous.’ She fluttered her eyelashes and blew a kiss to an imaginary camera. ‘And then there’s the beautiful designer clothes you get to wear.’
    â€˜Believe me, it’s not as glam as it looks. It can be very bitchy and competitive … some girls snatch outfits from another girl’s rack and a cat fight starts. Sometimes at the last minute a big-name celebrity decides they want to be in the show and all hell breaks loose. Okay, so maybe the catwalk can be fun, but it’s still not my thing,’ I conceded.
    Bella pouted. ‘I’d love to strut along a catwalk in designer clothes, but a curvy girl like me with glasses and braces wouldn’t even get a look-in.’
    â€˜Oh, yes you would, Bella. You’re beautiful, you live up to your Italian name,’ I said.
    â€˜Oh, thanks,’ Bella blushed. ‘But you’re the gorgeous one. I suppose you have to follow your own dream, though, and that takes guts.’
    â€˜How about you, what’s your dream?’ I asked.
    â€˜I’d love to model but there’s no way my mum would support me. She wants me to go to uni because she thinks I’d be a good lawyer. Not interested! I know one thing for sure: there’s no way I’d follow in her footsteps. I’ve seen what’s expected in the world of politics and it consumes her whole life.’ Bella finished quietly, ‘She lives and breathes it and there’s no room for much else.’
    â€˜I know what you mean. The only times I see my papa are when I go to his games, or sometimes when he’s home for dinner, which isn’t often. This isn’t going to sound nice, but I love it when he’s injured, because he has more time to spend with me.’
    Bella laughed. ‘Oh, wow, that’s desperate!’
    â€˜While he’s recovering, sometimes he’ll take me to the football club to catch up with his team mates and manager. I love it because all they talk about is football, and there’s no Mama.’
    â€˜No Mama? What’s that supposed to mean?’
    â€˜Well, she’s the one pushing me to model. And I have to compete for time with Papa because she dotes on him whenever the three of us are together … I’m lucky to get a word in. He’s just always so busy with his football and their business. When family time comes along, it’s always so rushed.’
    â€˜I know what it’s like. My mum’s always busy, and when she does get time with us it always seems to be interrupted by a crisis or media requests, even on the weekends. And as for my dad, well, he left a few years ago, but let’s not go there. I totally understand how you feel, but Lucy, you’re living every girl’s dream. You’ve got it all!’
    â€˜I know

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