Regina Scott

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Authors: The Irresistible Earl
carved headboard, pillows piled behind her, reading by the light of the south-facing window nearby. But when she heard Meredee’s plans for the next day, she dropped her book and threw up her hands.
    “Tell her, Algernon,” she insisted, frowning at him where he stood gazing out the window. “Tell her thatshe cannot go jaunting about the countryside and ignore her duties.”
    Guilt’s familiar fingers tugged at Meredee’s heart. She glanced at her stepbrother to see if he also thought her trip was so ill-timed. He was dressed in his usual bright colors, his cravat tied in a complicated fold. But she did not like the pallor of his face.
    “And what duties would those be, Mother?” Algernon inquired. He turned, spread his poppy-colored coattails, and took a seat on the curved-arm chair next to the bed. “Seeing to your least whim or compromising her principles to spy for me?”
    Mrs. Price clutched her lacy robe near her heart, as if he’d sorely wounded her. Meredee reached out from where she sat on her stepmother’s bed and touched the knee of his cinnamon-colored trousers. “Is something wrong, Algernon?”
    He shrugged. “Just a little bluedeviled.” He nodded toward the bed. “Forgive me, Mother. I’m locked in a box with the world passing me by. It’s making me churlish.”
    “Well, certainly,” Mrs. Price said, lowering her hand. “But you mustn’t fret, dearest. Lord Allyndale shows no inclination to repeat his threats. I believe you may be safe in showing your face.”
    Meredee nodded, withdrawing her touch. “Perhaps if you spoke to him, Algernon.”
    Her stepbrother rose and began his pacing, the shine of his high-topped boots flashing with eachstep. “Not yet. He was here this morning, looking for someone. I don’t think he saw me, but he rode out of here fast. If only I could be sure I wasn’t the source of his urgency.”
    Mrs. Price heaved a sigh. “Then I suppose Meredee must go with him tomorrow. And I shall have to go along as chaperone.”
    Algernon paused. “What about Allyndale’s sister?”
    “I’m not sure Lady Phoebe would appreciate traveling to the North Bay,” Meredee said, trying to envision the girl standing still long enough to spy the incarnata.
    “Nonsense,” Algernon said, resuming his pacing. “I have it on good authority that she is a bruising rider. I’m sure she’d be delighted to accompany you.”
    Meredee had a hard time imagining Phoebe as a bruising anything, but Algernon seemed to have made up his mind, for he rubbed his hands together with obvious glee. “Yes, this will serve all our purposes nicely. You have a chaperone, and Mother can avoid exposure to the elements.”
    He was entirely too delighted with himself. “And what do you gain?” Meredee asked.
    His smile blossomed. “Why the knowledge that the Dearborns are safely occupied. Freedom, dear sister. Freedom!”
    To Meredee’s surprise, Lady Phoebe was delighted to accompany them the next day. Her response toMeredee’s note was filled with exclamation points and capital letters. “We shall have the BEST Time!!!” Meredee began to hope she was right.
    Lord Allyndale himself drove into the coaching yard a little before seven that morning. Given the route they must travel to reach the bay, they had to leave early to catch even a portion of the morning’s low tide. His jaunty curricle was painted a deep yellow with gilt appointments and seats of brown tooled leather. A regal groom rode behind, and the two perfectly matched black horses at the front looked ready to run. Unlike Algernon, the earl was dressed in a sensible gray tweed wool coat and chamois breeches buttoned at the knee. His smile as Meredee came out of the inn to greet him told her he was just as eager for their adventure.
    It seemed that Algernon was right about Lady Phoebe’s love of riding, for she was dressed in a habit of fine blue wool trimmed with black braid and seated on a dainty roan mare. She adjusted her

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