Silent Night: Vampire Holiday Romance (The Night Songs Collection Book 4)

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Book: Silent Night: Vampire Holiday Romance (The Night Songs Collection Book 4) by Kristen Strassel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Strassel
the deals were better than ever. Anyone who wanted a glittery New Years’ dress had it already, and they’d moved on the blowout, the mani, and the pedi. I had the stores to myself. Why did it seem like I always wound up at the mall on my days off? In the recent past, it was to keep warm and pass the time. It was nice to have an actual mission for once.
    It didn’t take me long at all to find a nude tank dress with a black lace overlay on the sale rack. I’d been admiring dresses like this all season, and never dreamed I’d actually get to wear one. It also wasn’t too bright after wearing black every day to shock me. The dress hugged everything and was kind of short. Man, it had been a while since I’d really looked at myself in a full length mirror. Without all the layers I usually wore, I was so skinny. The size I’d worn before Memere got sick hung off of me. I did my best not to let it bother me. I picked a pair of tights out of the clearance bin and called it a day. Hopefully this would work for whatever Aidan had in mind.
    I got back to Aidan’s by midafternoon. I didn’t feel like reading, and I still didn’t quite feel at home, even in the room he set up for me. Every time I asked about what I should do around the house, Aidan avoided answering the question, so I didn’t want to touch anything. People got weird when you touched their stuff.
    What else was there to do but take a nap? Putting my pajamas back on and slipping in between the sheets, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
    Waking up just as the light coming through the window started to gray, I made myself a cup of coffee, and started my day completely over. I wanted to be ready to go when Aidan woke up, but I didn’t know what to do with myself. I found myself wandering around the house in a daze.
    We were kind of going on a date.
    Kind of.
    Now that it was time to get ready, my excitement was bubbling over. He’d asked me to come out with him, but refused to give me any details. My curiosity sent my imagination into overdrive. No one had ever brought me out on a real date before. It felt so grown up and sophisticated, yet like a fairy tale all at the same time.
    “Just get yourself something pretty.” That was all he would tell me, grinning wide enough that his face threatened to split.
    I rubbed hair goo between my palms and worked it into my hair before using Aidan’s hairdryer to blow it out. I found it amusing that he had one, since it didn’t seem very manly. Since I’d been couch surfing, I’d streamlined my makeup routine for the nights I couldn’t find a couch. People got the wrong idea if you were too pretty, as much as no one liked to admit it, especially when you really didn’t have any place to be. All I had left was mascara, bronzer, and lip gloss, but it was enough to bring out my eyes and make me look finished. Parting my hair on the left side, I twisted the two sections back and brought them together in a messy chignon. It didn’t look as good as all the pictures I saw on the internet, but not bad for the first try. Then I went back to my room, shimmied my dress up over my hips not to screw up my hair, pulled on the tights, and sat on my bed to wait. I felt a little foolish, all dressed up with nowhere to go. Yet.
    And nothing to do. A Piece of My Heart laid on the nightstand. I pulled the cover flap that held my place out so I could rejoin David and Talis.
    War was on everyone’s lips, and the masquerade party was a welcome reprieve. Talis wound her hair tightly in a high bun and donned the black lace dress I had made for her. The dress’ heavily sleeves, adorned with lace insets, looked like wings. How could such a devilish creature look just like she had fallen from heaven?
    I hated to see her pull the mask over her lovely face. Everyone’s heads turned as we entered the grand foyer. No one saw me, they all stared at this mystery women. The crowd grew thicker and Talis laughed before letting go of my hand

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