Teaching Melody

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Book: Teaching Melody by Emma Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Clark
careful, Melody. I wouldn't want to see you scarring up that pretty face of yours." A white smile flashed as he gave a backward glance and continued on.
    My face warmed further. But wow, I couldn't believe Ashlee's dad said that. It made me feel good about myself, particularly because no one ever called me "pretty." I had mousy, dull brown hair and thick thighs. Kids in school taunted me for being nerdy because I read tons of books.
    From that moment I crushed on Preston D'Anjou. Crushed on him
    And three years later I still crushed on him.
    Now Preston was thirty-four, still young and very
    Six months earlier Preston's wife left him for a younger guy. I thought Chelsea was out of her freaking
    Ashlee and I recently graduated high school, and in the fall Ashlee planned to leave for college. Personally I had no interest in college and wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet.
    Since Chelsea was gone, Preston offered me a good deal of money to clean the house on a regular basis. I'd practically have to live here once Ashlee went off to college.
    How could I turn down the opportunity to see Preston more often? The thought excited me to no end, so I agreed to do it.
    And since Preston had nursed my wounds so many times, I figured it was time to return the favor. Preston had been depressed since Chelsea's leaving, and I was determined to cheer him up---
any way I could
    * * * *
    I spent the night with Ashlee one week before she was supposed to leave.
    It'd be hard not seeing her as much, though she'd be visiting every other weekend.
    On this night we stayed up late and talked, knowing it'd be our last chance for a little while. The subject came up about her father and mother, as it usually did. Ashlee had a hard time dealing with her mother's betrayal. Chelsea had met her twenty-three-year-old boyfriend while working a part-time job as a librarian. Not because she needed the money, but because she was bored staying home.
    His name was Jared, and he'd gone to the library to do research for a college project. Apparently he and Chelsea had clicked. I never understood what they could've had in common. They had a twelve-year age difference.
    Then again, Preston and I had seventeen years between us and I loved him. In a way I was glad that Chelsea was out of the picture. I knew how horrible that was but I'd crushed on Preston
. And I didn't think Chelsea ever treated him right. She was kind of a bitch; always had
    I'd never mention this to Ashlee of course.
    She and I were sitting across from each other on her narrow bed. It was nearing two in the morning, but we were both wide awake.
    "Dad's seriously getting weirder and weirder," Ashlee said.
    "Why? What's he been doing?" My curiosity was more than a little piqued.
    "He keeps accidentally calling me Chelsea. It's so weird. He never used to mistake me for Mom. I'm getting worried about him."
    "Oh. Is that all? My dad calls me the wrong name all the time." I laughed. Ashlee looked horrified.
    "Well that's not all," she sternly said. "I've been catching Dad wandering around the house naked! Eww
    I stared at her.
    "He does it right after taking a shower. It's like he forgets to wrap a towel around himself. Yuck." She cringed. "Whenever he does it I run to my room as fast as I can.
. That's why I avoid him in the evenings, since that's when he takes a shower." Ashlee shook her head. "I can't wait to get to college. I'm sick of him blinding me, for Christ's sake."
    "Are you serious? Preston runs around naked after he showers?" Just imagining it sent a rush of excitement through me. "What does it look like?"
Oh god. Why did I ask that?
    "Huh? Are you asking me what my father's
looks like? Ew. Seriously? Ew. I don't even want to think about it." Ashlee sneered in disgust.
    "I don't know why I asked that. Sorry."
    "I can't believe you have a crush on my dad after all this time."
    "I can't help it if he's cute."
    "My dad's not cute."
he is.

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