What Happens Abroad

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Book: What Happens Abroad by Jen McConnel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen McConnel
passionate about. I have no idea what I’m going to do after school.”
    Sarah nodded. “Me, neither. And school isn’t even an option for me.”
    I looked at her curiously. “Why not?”
    She hesitated. “Money, for one thing,” she finally said.
    I was surprised. Sometimes, it felt like I was the only one in the world who worried about paying for school and stuff. “What else?”
    Sarah shrugged. “What does it matter? If I can’t afford it, there’s no point. I made enough as a nanny to travel, but the money will run out eventually, and then I’d better come up with a plan.”
    I sighed and sat back. “It sucks, doesn’t it?”
    Sarah nodded, but Joelle answered. “It doesn’t have to. So what if we’re confused? Nobody said we had to have it all figured out.”
    â€œMy mom did,” Sarah and I spoke simultaneously, and we both started to giggle.
    Joelle waved her hands in the air. “Like they had it so figured out when they were our age! Actually,” she hesitated, thinking, “I think my mom may have already been pregnant with Charlie when she was twenty.”
    I shuddered. “I can’t imagine that.”
    â€œI could,” Sarah spoke quietly, and Joelle and I both stared at her. She looked at the two of us, confused, and then panic stole across her face. “Oh God, no! I’m not pregnant or anything.” She paused. “Oh God, what if I am?”
    Joelle slapped her leg. “Sweetie, stop making up things to worry about. You guys were safe, right?”
    Sarah nodded slowly, her face pinched, and I exhaled loudly. Joelle studied us for a moment, and then she hopped up.
    â€œYou guys need cheering up. It’s time for an attitude adjustment.” She grabbed her bag and marched off across the sand, and Sarah and I watched, mystified, as she went back to the beach hut where we’d rented our chairs.
    I turned to Sarah. “I didn’t know about all that.”
    She shrugged. “I didn’t know your stuff, either.”
    â€œIt’ll work out somehow, right?”
    She shrugged again. “I hope so, but most days, it doesn’t feel like I’m doing anything but stalling. I mean, how is this trip going to help me figure out what I want to do with my life?”
    I nodded. “Sometimes I think I should just give up and go home.”
    Sarah shook her head. “I can’t even do that.” She paused, considering. “My dad—”
    Before she could finish her thought, Joelle reappeared, carrying three bottles of golden beer with limes stuck in the tops.
    â€œAll right, negative Nellies. It’s time for us to remember how awesome it is that we’re sitting on a friggin’ beach in Italy right now!” She passed me a beer and handed one to Sarah. Lifting hers in the air, Joelle waited for us to do the same. After a beat, we did, and she grinned. “That’s more like it. Here’s to this perfect moment!”
    We clinked bottles, and I almost smiled. I looked out at the water. It really was perfect.

Chapter Twelve
    We decided to stay in Cinque Terre for one night, and after a second day of lying on the beach, drinking beer, and talking about inconsequential things, we dragged our tired selves back to the train station as the sun was beginning its afternoon descent.
    â€œGod, I am SO sunburned!” I complained, resisting the urge to scratch my flaming shoulders.
    Sarah shook her head. “I told you to wear the sunscreen.”
    â€œI’ve never been burned like this! I feel like a lobster.”
    Joelle grinned. “You sort of look like one, too.” Her tan skin was a shade or two darker, but she didn’t seem to be burned. Sarah’s nose was a little pink, but no one else had suffered as much as I had. I didn’t want to look in a mirror for a week; I probably had raccoon marks from my sunglasses.
    The train

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