Sleigh Ride (Homespun)

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Book: Sleigh Ride (Homespun) by Katie Crabapple Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Crabapple
just heat up two jars of them to make an easy vegetable.”
    Charlotte nodded.  She was going to be cooking nonstop until dinner time, and then she’d be cleaning for hours.  She wasn’t sure now it had been such a good idea to invite them for Christmas dinner.  A regular meal would have been hard enough.
    Patience jumped to her feet and put her apron on.  “I’ll help.  ‘Many hands make the work lighter.’”
    Charlotte smiled down at Patience.  “Thank you.  Do you want to run down and get a jar of cherries, a jar of blackberries, two jars of green bean and some carrots and potatoes for me?”
    George stood up.  “We men will go and get all that for you.  It’s enough Patience is helping with the cooking.”  He and the boys put their jackets on and went out to the cellar, coming back a few minutes later with their arms laden with food.
    Charlotte made a double batch of bread, knowing at least a couple of loaves would be eaten during dinner.  She spent all the time until their guests arrived in the kitchen working.  Bess offered to help when she arrived, but Charlotte waved her away.  “Go sit with Millie.  You don’t need to be on your feet any more than she does.”
    She was barely able to acknowledge James as she hurriedly cooked their special meal.  When it was finally done, she splashed some water on her face sure she had flour on it.  Patience quickly set the table, and put the gifts on plates for the guests.  She guided everyone in where to sit while Charlotte put the food on the table.
    John said their Christmas blessing, carefully thanking God for the gift of his son, and thanking him for the wonderful company they were able to keep on this holy day.
    Charlotte was surprised to see all the plates had gifts on them when she finally sat down.  Hers had two small gifts.  She blinked quickly wondering what they could be.
    Once again, they went youngest to oldest, so little Grace opened hers first.  She squealed when she saw a small dress, just the right size for her rag doll.  “Toast will love it!”
    Bess looked at Millie.  “Toast?”
    Millie smiled.  “She named her new rag doll Toast, because she loves toast, and she loves her doll.”
    The laughter once again filled the table.  Grace put the small dress on her lap and looked to Jacob to see what he had received.
    Jacob received a small bag of marbles.  When they went on church picnics, the older children frequently had marbles, and he’d always felt left out.  “Oh, thank you!  My very own marbles!”
    Michael fingered his package.  It was a small box with a piece of paper inside.  He couldn’t yet read, so he handed the paper to Patience.  “Your present is in the barn.”
    Michael jumped to his feet.  “May I go look, Mama?  Please?”
    Millie nodded and George and John went out with him.  Michael came back into the house with his arms full of a squirming puppy.  Bess whispered, “George said it was okay.  I hope you don’t mind.”
    Millie shook her head, thrilled with the ecstatic look on Michael’s face.  “What are you going to name him?”
    Just then the puppy jumped out of his arms and wet on the floor.  Michael’s eyes widened as he looked at Millie to see if she’d be upset.  “I think I’m going to name him Puddles!”
    Millie laughed.  “As long as you clean that puddle up and take him back out to the barn.”
    He scooped up his puppy and carried him back outside while Jacob got down and cleaned up the mess for him.  “Maybe he’ll share Puddles with me if I help clean up his messes!”
    Patience, true to her name, sat staring at her gift, but waited until both of her brothers had washed their hands and returned to the table before she opened it.  It was a pair of thick woolen mittens and a scarf to match.  “Oh, thank you!”
    Bess smiled.  “I thought with all the sleigh rides you were going on lately, you might need something to keep you warm.”
    They all looked to

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