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Book: Rendezvous by Arie Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arie Lane
by Grant. Though you were both conceived the same day, you weren’t conceived by the same man. But it wasn’t until you were two that Marco would find that out. He ran into Darla at a mall with you and your sister, and he knew immediately. He went to court to petition for custody. It turned out Marco’s wife was barren and since you are his only child, he wanted you with him. Your mother tried a few scare tactics, and even cut the brake lines on Marco’s car, though it was never proven. Wendy, Marco’s wife, was driving it that day and didn’t survive the accident. Marco was devastated, and to avoid her name being run through the media mud due to his transgression, he dropped the custody case.”
    “I don’t understand. My mother hated me, why not just give up her rights to me?”
    “She hates you because of him. Because you remind her of what she could never have. She despises Marco, and to hand over custody would have made him the happiest man on earth. If there is one thing I’m sure you know about your mother, she’ll do anything to make someone’s life miserable. She knew with Wendy gone and you stuck with her that it would destroy him. Within a month of the case being dropped, your parents moved you and your sister away. Marco kept tabs on you, though he could never intercede. He tried once, and you paid dearly for his interference. He couldn’t get involved without it causing you more harm,” he says as if he personally knows this to be a fact.
    I have so many questions, but only one stands out in my mind at that moment. “That’s why you’re really here, isn’t it? You’re not here because of Cora; you’re here because of Marco. But why? Why now?” I ask.
    “I did come here to let you know that Cora is safe as well, but yes I am here because of Marco. He had been receiving alarming letters regarding you lately and was concerned about your welfare, especially after your mother's escape. He had hired a private investigator to dig into her past to try and uncover anything that could get her locked away. Unfortunately he fell ill. The doctors think that his mind might be going, but I really don’t believe that’s the case. His doctor advised that he should create a power of attorney. I think he was hoping that your father would name him. However, since you’re his last living relative, he named you.”
    “Wait, you’re telling me I’ve somehow inherited a grown man to take care of?”
    “Not exactly. Last week your father went into cardiac arrest. It took several attempts to resuscitate him. He’s breathing on his own, but he hasn’t woken back up. He’s in a coma, though the doctors believe he will wake up at any moment. What I’m telling you is that you now own all of his properties, monies, shares in his company. That all belongs to you.”
    “Brilliant,” I say before a thought occurs to me. “His home, does he still live in the same place he did when this all occurred, or at least still own it?”
    “Yes?” he replies with a hint of question in his voice. “Why? If you’re planning to try and lure her out, it’s a dangerous idea. I told you he was receiving death threats for you?”
    “I’m a big girl, I know what I’m doing. Does my mother know that he is in a coma?”
    “Well it’s been all over the news, I’m sure if she has any access to a TV that she knows.”
    “Perfect.” I reply while jumping up. “Is there anything that I need to do? Something I need to sign?”
    Standing up, Oliver takes a folder out of the briefcase I didn’t see him carrying and hands it to me. “There are a few places you need to sign and initial.”
    After signing the paperwork, I see him to the door and thank him for turning my entire reality upside down. At least now I understand why Darla hates me so fucking much. I’m the living reminder of everything she lost.
    Before he gets to his car, I call out to him, “Oliver?” He turns back to look at me and I jog over to his car, I

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