Star Force: Starchaser (SF69)

Free Star Force: Starchaser (SF69) by Aer-ki Jyr Page B

Book: Star Force: Starchaser (SF69) by Aer-ki Jyr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aer-ki Jyr
“I can’t walk on this leg.”
    The security guard glanced at the door, then decided
to make a quick change. “Grab my neck, I’ll swing you over to better cover.”
    She did as told, making sure not to tip the barrel of
her pistol into his head just in case the trigger got pulled. It wouldn’t kill
him if it fired, but the last thing she needed right now was to stun her only
protection. In truth he and the other six were here to guard her against rabid
fans, but they’d all had far more extensive combat training than her for a
situation like this. Mina just didn’t know if he’d be enough on his own and
hoped the others were still alive elsewhere in the ship.
    Swinging from his neck like a child, he walked her
over to the other side of the main room and into a walk-in closet. She grabbed
a hold of one of the shelves to steady her, then he left and headed over to another
portion of the room and fired a shot back in through the door that was now more
holes and smoke than a barrier. The red bolt hit what she didn’t know, for it
was out of her line of sight barely, but anyone coming more than two steps into
the room would be in her firing line. Holding onto the shelf with her left hand
and aiming with her right, she stood ready on one leg to get at least a few
shots off.
    A sound of sudden cracking preempted her guard’s
return shots and then all hell broke loose as two more Fahmren came into view,
one falling over as he was shot by her man before he had to duck down on the
other side of her bed for cover. She nailed the other one in the left arm,
causing it to go numb and the next plasma blast to hit the floor as it suddenly
couldn’t aim. Mina fired twice more, knocking it down before her view was
obscured by black uniforms and more green flesh as she was hit in the face and
her weapon knocked from her grasp.
    Mina fell to the floor, her knee exploding again in
pain, then suddenly she was spun over and face planted into the carpet as her
arms were bound so tight she felt like her wrists were being cut off. A few
more plasma blasts sounded then all was quiet, which was a very bad sign.
    She was yanked up off the ground by her arms that were
now locked behind her back, then she crumpled over again when her leg wouldn’t
hold her. Mina yelled in pain, then was picked up and carried over the shoulder
of one of her attackers out of her quarters with her able to catch a glimpse of
the smoking corpse of her guard on the floor next to the bed.
    After that it was a pain-ridden ride through the
hallways, with most of her vision being of the floor and the backside of the
Fahmren hauling her. They took her down several levels, then when the flooring
changed and she recognized they were on the hangar deck she realized with
horror that she was being taken off her ship. Not knowing what else to do she
began bucking and kicking with her good leg, but all it did was make the thing
mad enough that he tossed her down to the ground and grabbed her by the neck,
dragging her forward and out of reach of any of her kicks.
    She could barely breathe in his grip, but she had to
do something. If they were willing to kill her people to get to her then there
was no way of knowing what they’d do to her.
    The pressure on her neck disappeared a split second
before several ‘pings’ filled the air, followed by dozens of plasma blasts
crossing over her head. She was laying on her back, hands bundled up between
her and the floor as the red and pink crisscrossed over her head for a moment
before another Fahmren grabbed her and dragged her over to the doorway of a
ship she didn’t recognize…only to get hit in the chest with a pink glob of
energy and fall face forward on top of her.
    Mina had no vision and had to twist her head to the
side to get any air as she was once again pinned down, but she knew there was
another firefight going on and those pink blasts weren’t the stinger pistols
that her crew carried. She was left there underneath the

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