against the small of her back. “Not nearly enough.”
Her stomach knotted, remembering the surety of his mouth as he’d licked and slurped her to a frenzy. She wanted to give him the same mindless satisfaction he’d given her.
Feeling daring, she floated to the other side of the tub.
“Was it something I said?”
Holly nodded.
“You said turnabout is fair play.”
Liquid heat sparked his eyes.
“So, why don’t you park that sexy butt up on the edge and let me have a chance at eatin’ you up.”
Didn’t have to ask him twice. Water sloshed over the rim of the tub as Nick climbed into position.
Holly glided back and kept her gaze on his cock. When she licked her lips and wrapped those slender fingers around the root…he almost shot all over those delectable breasts.
She didn’t tease. No soft licks. Or tormenting breaths. No seductive nuzzle of his sac. Or whispering kisses up the length of his shaft. Holly just swooped down and swallowed him whole.
Her head bobbed fast. Her hand stroked faster. Her pace was relentless. Determined.
And fast. Way too fast.
Amazing as it felt surrounded by that tight, suctioning heat, she was going after him with such zeal he was on track to the speediest orgasm ever.
Was that her intent?
Nick nudged his thumbs in the hollows of her cheeks and stopped the motion. “Holly?”
Holly’s expression read pure panic as his dick slipped from her mouth. “What? Am I doing it wrong?”
“No. God no. It’s just…what’s the hurry?”
Crimson spread across her cheekbones and she ducked her face from view. “Sorry.”
“Hey. No reason to be sorry.”
“It’s just…I’ve never been very good at this sort of thing.”
That softly spoken admission damn near ripped all the air from his lungs, mostly because he knew it’d been hard as hell for her to admit.
Or she was lying.
Damn the cynical part of his brain. “Can you look at me?”
She shook her head.
Again, she shook her head.
Nick fisted his hand in her hair and forced her chin up. Not a lie in her eyes, just pure humiliation.
“Listen. You didn’t do a goddamn thing wrong. I love what you’re doin’. Every suck. Every lick. Every stroke. That mouth of yours is wickedly good. But I wouldn’t mind if you’d take it a little slower.” He traced the pouty swell of her bottom lip with the center of his thumb. “I sure like seeing these full, pretty lips stretched around my cock. I love the feeling as you’re takin’ me deep into this hot, wet mouth. I love the way you curl your tongue under the sweet spot beneath the head when you pull back.
“It’s sexy as shit having you on your knees in front of me. That’s why I want you to go slow. Because I wanna savor it, Holls. This first time of you lovin’ me with your mouth means too much for it to be over so quickly. And at the rate we were goin’…it was almost over when I stopped you.”
“So you didn’t stop me because you were disappointed in my technique?”
“Oh hell no. I’m just embarrassed to be so quick on the trigger.” Nick gave her a sheepish smile and pushed a silky section of hair behind her ear. “You’re in charge, but have pity on me, darlin’, ’cause I’m the one with no control when your sweet, hot mouth is on me.”
His confession appeared to soothe her. She offered him a sassy smile. “I’m really in charge?”
“Does that mean I can do whatever I want?”
“Within reason. No pain games.”
“I’m not into pain. I’m into seeing your body light up like a Christmas tree with the orgasm I’m gonna wring from you.”
He murmured, “Touché.”
Holly kept her bright eyes on his as she leaned down and swallowed him again, but as she slowly released him, she scraped her teeth up his length with just the right amount of pressure, balancing on that deliciously sharp edge of pleasure and pain, before she freed the tip with a soft pop .
“Holy mother of
John R. Little and Mark Allan Gunnells