Vampire Dreams Revamped (A Sons of Navarus Prequel)
they make love that night?
Would he be the same kind of lover as he was in her dreams?
    “She’s delightful, Brandon. But is she
ready? She seems easily upset.”
    Brandon sensed the hint of disapproval in
his sire’s tone. Knowing he had the final say, he worked to
reassure him as he had Arden.
    “No need to worry. Trust me. She’s
    Vasilije trained his blue eyes on Brandon’s
face. “And why should I accede to your wishes this time? If I
recall, you asked for the same permission with that other delicious
looking treat not more than six months ago. And I knew she wasn’t
right for you, didn’t I?”
    Brandon struggled to control his temper. He
knew Vasilije was right about Celeste. Still, his smugness
irritated him.
    “Arden’s different.”
    Vasilije cocked one eyebrow and directed his
gaze toward her. “And how is she different?”
    Sure he couldn’t trust his sire with the
knowledge that she excited him more than any woman had in decades,
he chose to focus on her unfortunate past and felt like a bastard
as he did. “She has no family to be concerned about and was
homeless when I found her.”
    Vasilije chuckled deeply as he turned to
face him. “A stray? Don’t you know not to take strays in, dear
    “She’s not a stray!” he snapped.
    A long moment of tension remained between
the two men until Vasilije turned toward Arden and moved to
approach her.
    “Well, let’s make sure she’s right for you
    Brandon’s chest tightened at the thought of
how his sire would decide that. Following behind him, he tried to
catch Arden’s gaze, but Vasilije had gotten to her already.
    Standing over her, he stared down into her
eyes and began. “Arden, I’m so happy you’ve come here tonight. Do
you enjoy it here?”
    Brandon knew by the silky tone of his voice
he was hypnotizing her.
    Waving off his concern, he concentrated on
Arden’s eyes and continued. “Arden, how do you feel about
    Afraid of what she’d answer, he said,
“Vasilije, don’t.”
    Turning his head, the older vampire chided
him. “How can I be expected to allow you to bring her into our
world if I don’t know she can handle it?”
    Brandon had seen him do this with another of
his vampires and hated the idea of him having control over Arden.
“She’s done nothing to warrant this.”
    Turning back toward her, he slid his finger
along her jaw. “Don’t worry. I promise I won’t hurt her.”
    Brandon cringed at the idea that he
    Vasilije repeated his question and Brandon
saw a shy smile form on her lips.
    “I love him.”
    “And why is that?”
    “Because he’s kind and takes care of
    Brandon filled with guilt at her words. If
he truly took care of her, he wouldn’t let his sire do this.
    “Arden, dear. Do you know what he is?”
    Silently, she nodded, and Brandon wondered
if she’d misunderstood the question.
    “And what is he?”
    Brandon took a step back, stunned that she
    “And how do you know that?”
    Arden smiled again. “He comes to me at
    “And what happens when he visits you at
    Brandon’s stomach clenched at the idea that
his sire was going to know what he and Arden did together. Each
visit with her held a special charm for him, and he didn’t want to
share those moments with Vasilije.
    The look of rage that Vasilije flashed
toward him surprised Brandon, and he had to force himself to resist
deferring to the one who’d made him what he was.
    “Brandon, I grow weary of your
    “Vasilije, don’t do this to her.”
    But his plea fell on deaf ears and Vasilije
continued his questioning.
    “Arden, tell me what happens when he visits
you at night.”
    Looking up into his face, her beautiful eyes
glazed over, she whispered, “He makes love to me and drinks from
    Brandon closed his eyes in pain. He should
be doing everything in his power to protect her from his

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