Red Hart Magic

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Book: Red Hart Magic by Andre Norton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andre Norton
worn it. Not that she cared because she had not liked it at all.
    â€œSome,” she admitted warily.

    â€œYou got them with you?” Marve sounded almost impatient.
    â€œNo. When Grandma had to move, we put a lot of things in storage.”
    For a moment Marve was silent; then she nodded. “I guess you would at that. Too bad. The Crab gives extra credit if you can bring in something from abroad to show.”
    Nan half expected Marve to shove off again, but she stayed. Karen and the other girl simply watched and said nothing, though the girl with the pointed nose smiled. Not quite a nice smile, Nan decided. She felt uneasy as if waiting for something, she did not know quite what, to happen. She was very sure that Marve had not joined her out of a pure wish to be friendly.
    â€œYou know Karen"—Marve pointed—"and this is Pat, Pat Wilcox.”
    They both bobbed their heads but did not speak.
    â€œWe're Three's a Crowd"—she laughed as if inviting Nan to share a joke— “That's what the rest call us. You see,” she added as if surprised Nan did not immediately show understanding, “when we all got slammed in the Crab's room this year, we sort of joined forces.” Marve tossed her head and smoothed back her hair.
    â€œI live on Richmond Street, and Pat two doors down. Karen is around the corner at the Bellamy. So we're near you. Your brother doesn't come here, does he?”
    â€œMy brother? Oh, you mean Chris. No, he goes to the Academy.”

    â€œThat's right,” Marve nodded, “he's your stepbrother, isn't he? He'd be kind of cute if he didn't wear those goggles and look like he always had a stomachache.”
    Karen tittered, and Pat's smile widened a fraction.
    â€œYou're lucky,” Marve continued. “The Academy gives a keen dance right after Easter. Most of us haven't a chance of getting an invitation to that.”
    â€œI probably haven't either.” Nan made certain she was not going to be accepted by Three's a Crowd on false pretenses. “I don't think Chris dances. Anyway we don't know each other very well.”
    â€œThat's exciting.” Marve leaned a little closer. “Must be smooth to just wake up some morning and find you have a big brother and all! Weren't you excited when you heard?”
    â€œSome,” Nan admitted dryly.
    â€œI'll bet you were.” For the first time Pat spoke. But her tone suggested that any surprise Nan might have felt was for the worse instead of the better.
    Nan, however, could not help but warm a little to Marve in spite of her wariness. She already knew that this girl held leadership of the room and to be singled out by her might mean complete acceptance. She felt grateful, even if she did not care too much for either Pat or Karen.
    So when Marve insisted that she join them on the walk home from school, she found herself pounding along in the now thick snow. Luckily Aunt Elizabeth had not thought to send the taxi which Nan had half expected.
    When they parted under the canopy where Haines sheltered,it was with the assurance from Marve that they would be by in the morning to pick her up—in Marve's father's car.
    â€œHe won't mind. One more won't make any difference,” she said. “M’ mother knows your aunt. So I can fix it. You'll see.”
    Nan felt so much better she did not even dread the elevator as she crossed the lobby.
    Chris tramped over her wet footprints in the lobby before Lind, the super, could get them mopped up. His mind was already racing ahead of his body—to the inn. All day he had managed, with a great deal of willpower, not to think about that very real dream. But now he relaxed his control and began going over it bit by bit in his mind.
    If it were only his dream! He resented the fact that Nan had played a part in it—an important part. During the day he had had a chance to get into the library on the excuse of a project and had tried to find out

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