His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1)

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Book: His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1) by Marly Mathews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marly Mathews
a pleasing scent about myself?” her voice filled with anger, and she watched with delight as it grated against him.
    “I, miss, would do nothing of the sort. You smell like a delicate flower.” He looked down at his own disheveled appearance, and groaned. “Come to think of it, I believe I may be in need of fresh attire myself.” He gave her that familiar wink of his, smiled, and strode from the cabin.
    Sighing, she stared down at herself, and over at the cold washbasin of water, that sat on her dressing table. Shrugging her shoulders, she stripped out of her dress, and walked toward the water.
    Soon, she’d be awake whether she liked it or not. As she trickled the cool water over herself, her mind drifted to the way that his hands had felt on her body. Shivering, she patted herself dry, and walked quickly toward her trunk of clothing.
    Whipping the lid open, she searched for something suitable to wear. Crooking her mouth into a secret smile, she shook out the strange outfit that she had designed and sewn for herself. She slipped it on in no time at all, and quickly plaited her hair. She turned in front of the small full-length mirror, and sighed. Finding her secret stash of hard boiled sweets, she reached for a peppermint candy and popped it into her mouth. At least her breath would smell a bit nicer now.
    When Rafe saw her, he’d be stunned beyond belief.

Chapter Six
    Mallory moved with the gentle swaying of The Valiant . He came up beside Ethan and Nigel, and stared out at the ocean.
    “We’re being followed, Rafe,” Ethan said, darting a cautionary glance at Mallory.
    “Hells Bells!” he muttered, clasping his hands behind his back. “Any thought of which enemy it might be?”
    “Not a clue as of yet. They are still too far behind us for us to see their flag.”
    Mallory reached for the spyglass, and took it when Ethan handed it to him. He placed it up to his one eye, and looked down toward the stern. He strained his eyesight, wishing that he could make out the flag that billowed in the breeze. He would have to keep an eye on them, for the ship was quickly closing the distance that lay between them.
    “Signal to The Red Dawn and the other ships. We’ll need to keep them a distance. I shall not give Elizabeth back to her father.”
    “We still have quite a journey ahead of us, and we still haven’t been able to ascertain how many other ships could be traveling with them.”
    “Aye, I know, Ethan. But we fight if need be, we don’t give up Elizabeth for anything.”
    “I know Geoffrey Woodward, Rafe,” Ethan barked. “In his own distorted way of thinking, he believes that Elizabeth belongs to him, and I honestly don’t think he treats her the way he treats others. He loves her in his own, selfishly misguided way. And he won’t let you of all people have her. She is his, as far as he’s concerned.”
    “Not anymore,” Mallory argued, through clenched teeth. “She belongs to me now. Keep a keen eye out, I’m going to go down to my cabin and arm myself. Make sure that everyone else is ready for battle.”
    “Aye, aye Captain,” Ethan said, saluting and smirking at him.
    Mallory rolled his eyes, and moseyed back down to the cabins. He pressed an inquiring ear to the side of his cabin wall, and was dismayed when he heard no movement inside of Elizabeth’s cabin. Frowning, he buckled his British Naval cutlass to his hip, and reached for his pistols.
    He was just about to knock on the outside of her cabin door, when Seamus emerged from the galley carrying a tray laden with food.
    “That galley isn’t what I’m exactly used to, but I made use of it. I thought you might be hungry, sir,” Seamus chirped.
    Mallory rolled his eyes and reached hungrily for two sticky cross buns, and a cup of tea with lemon. “Thank you, Seamus. As always, you know what my stomach wants.” He smiled at the Irishman, as Seamus darted his eyes wearily toward Elizabeth’s door.
    “Do you suppose it would be

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