An Unexpected Match

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Book: An Unexpected Match by Dana Corbit Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Corbit
her for another minute. And because Markston wasn’t so big, he could make the point that his house would not have been out of the way for the others.
    Still, his practicality must have won out because he crossed to the passenger side and opened the door for her. He acknowledged her thanks with a nod, but the cold in his eyes trumped even the wind blowing in before he closed it. The music of Bach or Mozart or some other dead guy filtered into the car when he started the engine, but he flipped it off with a click. The kind of silence that would have made a librarian proud settled around them, making the five-minute drive feel like an interstate trek.
    Finally, he turned into his driveway and hit the garage-door opener on his visor, but instead of pulling in, he shut off the engine in the driveway. Sensor-activated lights on either side of the two garage doors flicked on, illuminating the car’s interior.
    As if they’d timed it, both turned back to check on Elizabeth at the same time. She slept heavily now, nothing in her repose hinting that she could feel the chill inside the car. Haley couldn’t help smiling when she looked at her.So sweet. Innocent. Completely trusting in a world where real trust was rare.
    When Haley finally turned her head and shoulder back toward the front seat, Matthew was staring right at her. Through her was more like it. Haley held her breath. As much as she hated silence, she sensed that what was to follow it this time wouldn’t be better.
    â€œHaley, this isn’t going to work out.”
    â€œWhat do you mean?” she asked, though she had an inkling.
    He exhaled heavily and pressed his lips together before he spoke again. “Your caring for Elizabeth. I don’t think this was a good idea.”
    â€œNo. Wait, Matthew—”
    â€œI knew it, too. I knew it.” He seemed to be saying it more to himself than to her. “Why didn’t I trust my own instincts?”
    â€œWhat are you saying?” She shot a glance back at the sleeping child, who’d already created a place for herself in her heart.
    Matthew stared into the rearview mirror instead of looking at her. “A child needs structure. How can I expect you to give that when you don’t have any of it in your own life? You probably don’t know what it is.”
    â€œI know what ‘structure’ is.” Even she could hear the crack in her voice, so she didn’t try to convince herself that he could have missed it.
    Matthew startled and then looked over at her. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to hurt your feelings here. You’re a great girl…um, woman…but…” He let his words fall away, apparently not sure what else to say.
    There’s always a but, isn’t there? For the flash of a second, Haley was that fourteen-year-old again, hearing Matthew’s kind, if bumbling, attempt to let her downeasy after she’d professed her feelings to him. But she couldn’t allow herself to go there. Not this time when what he was saying mattered so much more than an unrequited crush.
    â€œI’m really sorry for letting Elizabeth miss her nap.”
    Already he was shaking his head. “It’s not just that. It’s…oh, I don’t know…everything.”
    She waited for him to list her infractions, but he didn’t, so she could only guess that there were many. “I know I’m a bit…unconventional—”
    â€œTo say the least.”
    Haley swallowed and tried again. “I can do better. I’ll do whatever you need me to. I’ll follow your schedule. I’ll do it your way. Whatever you want. I need this job.” She needed Elizabeth, too. It was probably pitiful to admit it, but she’d never felt more valued than she did by a child who needed her care.
    â€œI’m sorry, Haley. I don’t think—”
    â€œBut I love her, Matthew.”
    He had opened his mouth to

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