Just One Touch

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Book: Just One Touch by Debra Mullins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Mullins
would help to better his business dealings. Any other fellow would be buying rounds for his friends at such news.
    But the situation irritated him like a rock wedged in a horse’s shoe.
    He had not changed. He was still the same man with the same skills. Only because he would soon be wedding Caroline did his neighbors and business connections look at him differently. Not because he excelled at what he did. Not because he attempted to rebuild the famous Hunt line from nothing. Not even because he had left his life of drinking and brawling behind him.
    Suddenly, because he was marrying a duke’s daughter, he was good enough to do business with, whereas he had not been considered so before.
    He lifted his tankard again, only to have it knocked out of his hands. The cup hit the wall with a clang and splattered ale all over the occupants of the next table.
    “You bastard!” Hadley stood over him, his lean face taut with rage.
    “New travels quickly.” Rogan swiped a dribble of ale from his face. “Beardsley only left here an hour ago.”
    “He wasted no time. His men are even now moving King Charles to your pitiful establishment.” He slapped his hands flat on the table and leaned forward, nearly nose-to-nose with Rogan. “How much did it cost your new father-in-law to steal Beardsley’s business from me?”
    Rogan stilled. “Belvingham has nothing to do with this.”
    “Doesn’t he?” A resentful smirk swept Hadley’s face. “It seems you’re suddenly the golden boy, while the rest of us, who’ve worked long and hard, are left in the dust. How many more horses are going to disappear from my stables, Hunt? Who else will your new papa-in-law pay to change trainers?”
    Rogan shoved to his feet, the chair screeching backward to slam into the wall behind him. Silence descended on the taproom.
    Hadley straightened, but he didn’t back away. “What’s the matter, Hunt? Don’t like the truth?”
    “I prefer the truth. I’m still waiting for you to tell it.”
    Hadley gave a harsh laugh. “Pretending thatthe duke has nothing to do with this, Hunt? Come now. We both know that your reputation is what’s prevented people from bringing you their business. It’s clear to me that your new relatives are smoothing your way to success with gold.”
    “I’m a Hunt. That’s enough of a reputation for most people.”
    “A drinking, whoring Hunt? A wastrel of the first order?”
    Rogan clenched his fist at his side. “A Hunt of Hunt Chase, Hadley. My family’s reputation with horses goes back to the Conqueror.”
    “Yes, your family history is impressive,” Hadley sneered. “Of course, that was before the Irish branch of the family inherited.”
    Rage simmered, awakening the beast. He tamped it back. “I’m sorry you lost the business, Hadley. Now do us both a favor and leave.”
    “Or what?” Hadley stepped closer to him, deliberately crowding him. The other man’s eyes burned with hot emotion.
    Rogan gave him a hard stare. His own temper had begun to boil, but the last thing he wanted was a fight in a public establishment. “You’re making a fool of yourself.”
    “Me? I’m making a fool of myself?” Hadley laughed. “I’m not the one marrying soiled goods.”
    Rogan grabbed the other man by the lapels of his coat. “Apologize, Hadley. Now.”
    Hadley smirked. “Everyone knows the truth,Hunt. Why else would Belvingham marry the girl to a nobody like you? Because no one else would have her, that’s why.”
    Rogan shoved the man into the next table, sending patrons scattering. “I shall have to demand satisfaction, Hadley, unless you apologize at once.”
    “Pistols at dawn?” Hadley chuckled as he regained his footing. “Come now, Hunt. That’s not our style.”
    “Your apology,” Rogan ground out.
    Hadley glanced around at their interested audience. “Very well. I apologize for calling your future bride a whore.”
    Gasps rose up from the crowd. Rogan fought back the urge to beat the

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