The Divine Whisper
didn’t care at the moment.
    Making her face devoid of emotion, she stopped to let Trinity approach.
    “I’m so sorry! Something came up, and I couldn’t get here in time.”
    “You’re over an hour late, Trinity! I called you over and over. Did you not think to let me know you were going to be MIA?” Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she cocked her hip, and waited for an answer.
    “I left my phone at home today.” Trinity kept talking before Nicole could say any more. “Okay, I should have found a way to call you.”
    Nicole dug her nails into her arms in hopes to defuse some of the anger. When it didn’t work, she looked away to take a moment and breathe.
    “I said I was sorry. Shouldn’t that be enough?”
    That was the wrong thing to say. Having her ire back up, she lashed out at her friend. “Sorry? You’re sorry? That’s all I’ve been hearing for months.” Nicole threw her hands up in frustration. “I thought you were my family, but I’m constantly blown off for Malachi and his friends. I can’t take it anymore, Trinity!” Nicole pulled her hands up to cover her face.
    “Nicci…” Feeling a hand touch her arm, she quickly backed away.
    “Don’t touch me!” Throwing her hands back down at her sides, she brought one back up to point at Trinity and yelled, “I needed you today, and you said that you would be there!” Nicole hated that she couldn’t contain the sob that was pushed out.
    Understanding crossed over Trinity’s face, and she stepped forward. “What did the doctor say?
    “Oh, like you care!”
    “Of course I care, Sweetie. What did he say?” The softness in her voice was Nicole’s undoing.
    “You wanna know what he said? I’m pregnant, that’s what he said.” At Trinity’s shocked expression, the emotions couldn’t be held back any longer. She dug her hands into her hair and threw back her head as she yelled into the wind as loud as she could.
    Once she was all screamed out, she collapsed in on herself and slumped to the ground. Leaning against her car she buried her head between her legs and started to cry uncontrollably.
    The next thing she heard was a car door opening, then with surprising strength, Trinity lifted her and placed her inside the car. The door closed, and for a moment, she was all alone. No, not alone, the little invader was with her. The thought brought a new wave of tears.
    Seconds ticked by, before the passenger door opened letting in a fresh wave of cold air. Quickly, Trinity got in, and shut the door behind her.
    Nicole was crying into her hands and couldn’t see Trinity’s face; she didn’t want to see her face. She had screwed up, and the last thing she wanted to see was the look on Trinity’s face saying that she agreed.
    She then felt a hand lightly stroking her hair. “I’m such a bad friend.”
    The softly spoken words from Trinity were unexpected. Sniffling, Nicole finally raised her head to look quizzically at her friend. “What are you talking about?”
    Trinity reached down to hold her hand. “We have always been so close. Yes, there has been a lot going on, but I should have made more time for you. I mean… I didn’t even know that you were seeing someone.”
    Nicole covered her eyes, and groaned. “I’m not. I never was.”
    “What do you mean? Who’s the father?”
    Nicole opened her mouth to tell her everything, but stopped the words from coming out. She was not ready for Gemariah to know yet, and if she told Trinity, it would no doubt get back to him. She just needed to figure things out on her own, without someone else telling her what to do. No, Gemariah didn’t have to know right now. “There is no father. It’s just me.”
    Nicole could tell by the look on Trinity’s face that she didn’t like that answer. “Come on, Nicci. Who’d you end up sleeping with?”
    Pulling her hand away, Nicole stared out the windshield. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
    “Oh my gosh.” Trinity grabbed onto her

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