Good Karma
replaced by a
whole lot of Mark. Every part of him invaded every part of her for
what felt like a very long time. When he finally pulled away, they
were seated, and she was in his lap, but she didn’t remember
sitting down.
    “Uhhh…” His eyes twinkled mischievously.
“Sorry?” His apology lilted like a question as his gaze searched
hers. He looked like he was barely suppressing his surprise at his
own actions.
    His arms held her tightly, his hands pressed
securely against her back.
    “Wow,” she said flatly, awestruck and numb.
She touched her fingertips to her lips, which lifted slightly at
the corners as she gazed into his eyes.
    He stared at her mouth for what felt like a
minute, his eyes dazzling with mischief. “That was nice.”
    Nice? Try hot. Smoking. Sizzling.
    He gently lifted her off his lap, and she
managed to find her own chair again.
    “That was out of line, wasn’t it?” He pursed
his lips as if stifling a grin.
    “Um…” Her heart raced, her mind leaped with a
hundred torrid thoughts, and every fiber in her body vibrated. And
yet she couldn’t speak.
    He straightened his shirt and took a deep
breath. “I promise to behave now.” He crossed the tip of his index
finger over his heart. And were his cheeks flushed?
    Karma turned her attention back to her drink
and the stage, but his kiss continued to burn its way through her
body, making her breathless and aroused. She glanced at him out of
the corner of her eyes. That’s when it hit her. She didn’t want him
to behave. But did she really want him to misbehave ? That
could pose a problem now that they worked together.
    With one kiss, Mark Strong had flummoxed
her…and excited her.
    And damn her, she wanted more.

    Chapter 9
forget to love yourself.
    -Soren Kierkegaard
    Thursday night, Karma was cleaning up dinner dishes,
still daydreaming about the night before…and the Saturday before
that…and all the wonderful moments she’d spent with Mark so far.
The way his lips had felt against hers. The way he looked at her.
The way his hand had felt on the small of her back. The dusting of
dark hair on the backs of his hands.
    She wanted to slowly unbutton his shirt and
run her hands over his chest and down his stomach…see if he had
dark hair everywhere. What if he did? What would that feel like
against her fingers? Would it be coarse or soft? Thick or, like on
his hands, only a dusting? He probably had a nice stomach, too,
ribbed with muscles. She already knew he had a nice chest. His pecs
were firm, raised, and sexy. She was into chests. And arms. And
    God, she could not get that sexy man
out of her mind, and now she was aroused. Again. The way she had
been every night since Saturday.
    Checking the clock, she saw she had just
enough time before the game started to slip in to her bedroom, lie
back on her bed, and imagine Mark Strong pulling her against him
the way he had when they’d danced. She imagined what might have
happened in his hotel room. He would have undressed her, taken off
his shirt, slipped his hands up her thighs. Would he have licked
her? There. Right between her legs. She had never experienced that
before, but she wanted to. Would Mark have given her that?
    As she imagined all that Mark could do to
her, her arousal grew. She was wet and slick, and she fantasized
that her finger was his tongue. Just the thought was enough to send
her over, and she gasped and shuddered into the fantasy.
    Sex with herself was safe for sure, but she
was growing bored with safe sex.
    She wanted something dangerous. Something
hot. Something purely Mark Strong. On the conference room table. Or
in the chair.
    Now that was something to think
    Gathering herself, she straightened her
clothes and returned to the kitchen, her body warm and tingly, a
smile on her face.
    She’d just finished popping a bowl of popcorn
and was on her way to the living room when her phone rang.
    She dashed to answer it. The caller ID showed

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