Before the Dawn

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Book: Before the Dawn by Beverly Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Jenkins
    He shook his head grimly. “Nothing. The people I could’ve gone to for information are either dead or have moved on. A few of Louis’s former business partners are still around, but when I approached them they claimed not to know me and turned me away from their doors.”
    Leah didn’t like the sound of that. “So we go into the courtroom blind?”
    â€œI’m afraid so.”
    Leah didn’t like the sound of that either. “Okay, well, I need to dress. I’ll be down directly.”
    After his departure, Leah wanted to fuss at him again for leaving things here to fester for thirty years, but knew it wouldn’t do any good. The past couldn’t be changed. She was embroiled in a conundrum not of her making, and there was nothing to do but try and unravel it head-on.
    Leah dressed herself in black. As a widow it was what society expected. Since she had no idea whom or what shemight be facing, she hoped her attire would remind them that she’d just buried a husband and should be dealt with accordingly. Of course Leah knew that those rules didn’t necessarily apply to a woman of color, but it didn’t hurt to hope.
    Dressed in a plain but well-made black gown, Leah looked at herself in the mirror. The woman reflected back looked less tired than Leah remembered, probably because she wasn’t up at dawn hauling kegs or scrubbing floors and tabletops at midnight. After working herself to the bone for the past twenty years, Leah admittedly enjoyed this simple life of leisure Monty’s generosity had provided. She hoped she wouldn’t have to fight to keep it.
    Downstairs, she was surprised by the sight of Seth talking quietly with Cecil. Both men looked up at her as she descended the stairs. Cecil nodded, and Seth inclined his head. He had on a nice brown suit and a snow-white shirt that appeared fresh from the laundress. Leah wondered what he was doing there.
    â€œGood morning, Leah,” Seth said.
    â€œGood morning to you, too, Seth. Are you here to see your aunt?”
    â€œNo, I thought I’d go to the courthouse with you and Mr. Lee. Hoped it might help.”
    Leah smiled. “Why thank you. What do you think, Cecil?”
    â€œDon’t see how it could hurt.”
    Leah didn’t either. Before this was settled she might need all the support she could find.
    She then looked to Cecil, and asked, “Are we ready?”
    He nodded.
    Seth gestured toward the door. “My carriage is right outside. Shall we?”
    Leah brought her veil down over her face and allowedherself to be escorted out. As Seth handed her up into the expensive-looking rig, Leah glanced back at the house. In an upstairs window she could see Helene Sejours looking down on their departure with such a predatory smile on her white-powdered face it raised the hair on the back of Leah’s neck.

Chapter 3
    L eah sat in the backseat of Seth’s fancy carriage wondering where the morning’s sunbeams had gone. The once-bright sky had now turned ominous and dark as if rain were on the horizon. Leah hoped it would hold off. She was already anxious enough—arriving at the hearing soaked and bedraggled would not help matters.
    They soon reached their destination. Guided by Seth’s hand, Leah stepped down onto the plank walk in front of the courthouse. She fought to ignore the butterflies in her stomach, but couldn’t. Her hand, enveloped in Seth’s, shook with nervousness. He must have felt her shake because he looked down into her tight face, and said kindly, “Hopefully it will be over soon. Keep your chin up.”
    Leah smiled as best she could.
    Inside they were shown into a dimly lit judge’s chamber and told to take seats and wait. Moments later, seven well-dressed White men filed in, silent as a jury. Leah wonderedwho they were and why there were in attendance, but none of them uttered a word nor acknowledged Leah’s party.

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