Romancing His English Rose (Entangled Scandalous)
    “Uh, what I believe Emily is saying,” Hannah quickly interrupted, “is that Rose has a remarkable memory. She quite literally remembers everything she sees or hears. If we all talk about where we were and what we said and did, we will spark Rose’s recollection to the point that she can fill in any blanks to the smallest of details…assuming she was in the vicinity at the time.”
    Rose mouthed thank you to Hannah for her swift intervention between Emily and Alexander. It seemed that whenever the two of them were in a room together for more than a few minutes, they would begin sniping at each other. Rose didn’t understand why they didn’t like each other, because on their own they were quite delightful people.
    “That’s fascinating, Rose,” David said eagerly. “Can you really remember everything?”
    Rose shrugged. “Yes, I always have been able to, for as long as I can remember.”
    “Which, as we now know, is really saying something,” William said drily.
    Everyone in the room chuckled at the observation, including Rose. Hannah giggled and hugged William. It was easy to see the love between them.
    “So, does everyone understand what we need to do?” Simon asked.
    “I believe so, but how should we get started?”
    “Ah…well,” Simon began thoughtfully. “Let’s start at the beginning. Who was the first to arrive that night?”
    Everyone looked around at everyone else in question.
    William lifted a hand and said, “I suppose that would be me. I arrived early because I had a business dealing I needed to discuss with Frederick. Aside from his mother and the household staff, he and I were the only ones there for, oh, about an hour.”
    “Do you remember who showed up next?” Simon asked.
    “Hmmm, I believe Baron Ritchfield and his wife, along with their niece, Miss Waterston.”
    “Oh, yes…your aunt was rather intent on making a match of Frederick and Miss Waterston, wasn’t she?” Emily asked.
    “Silly cow,” Sarah muttered softly—though not nearly as softly as she must have hoped—as every eye in the room was quite suddenly trained on her.
    “Pardon me?” Simon said coolly.
    “Oh, not your aunt, for goodness sake!” Sarah rushed to say, her face completely crimson with mortification. “I meant Miss Waterston. She made an, er, unkind comment about…um…” She glanced at David, before shutting up and looking at her feet. If a very large opening were to appear beneath her, Rose was sure Sarah would have gladly crawled into it. Sarah had been in love with Hannah’s older brother, David, for as long as anyone could remember.
    “What Sarah is trying to say,” David explained wryly, “is that Miss Waterston did not like my table manners that evening.”
    “That’s right!” Rose piped in, as recollection hit her. “You were flicking peas at Alexander throughout the meal…though you never actually hit him.” Rose scrunched up her forehead in thought. “The first one went over his head and landed in the potted palm behind Lady Pembroke—the one in the aubergine planter on the left, rather than the marigold pot to the right. The second one fell short and hit Miss Waterston on the cheek—which is probably why she took issue with you, David—and the third pea landed on my father’s plate, who didn’t even notice and eventually he ate the evidence. After that, David received a scolding look from Lady Rochester and the flying peas came to an end, with the intended victim none the wiser.” Rose sat back in satisfaction and when she looked up, the entire roomful of people was looking at her, the ladies in smug approval and the men in various states of shock.
    “You really can remember everything, can’t you?” Alexander said with awe.
    Rose blushed and nodded.
    “Wow, now that is a talent. How does one get a talent like that?”
    “Maybe it comes with the spectacles?” David joked.
    “Maybe so,” Alexander mused in mock seriousness. He reached over and

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