Sorcerer: Witch's Woes: Power of Air (Book 3)
did I miss. 
I kind of lost track of time.”
    He looked a little sheepish, he was supposed to be shadowing
and learning from Sierra right now. 
    Tara said, “We’re going after the ritual space the spell was
cast from.  Anyway, I can break the wards first, we don’t want to enter another
coven’s ritual space without doing that first.  Even a temporary one.”
    Sierra asked, “Are you sure you can do that?”
    Tara smiled, “Yes, because most of the coven’s power is tied
up in the spell.  If I go after the wards they will eventually go down, unless
the coven cancels the spell themselves, in which case we’ll still do what we
set out to do, and also have one of the coven members trapped within.  Plus,
I’m pretty sure Ben can smash the wards all by himself.”
    I thought about that a moment, if the spell was within my
sphere of influence, I could hit it with fire and air magic.  I had the
strength to do it, the question was if I could burn away the earth magic
without seeing it.  It should work, maybe some kind of rolling wave.  I’d have
to see.
    Todd asked, “So what should I do?”
    Sierra ordered, “You’ll come with us, when Carrie and Gerald
get back.”
    Sierra pulled out her phone, and made the call.  They
probably wouldn’t be happy having their rest interrupted, but Carrie should be
fine to take the wards back long enough for us to find and kill the spell. 
That part should go pretty fast, I hoped so anyway.
    Sierra hung up, “They’ll be here in a half hour.”
    Tara grabbed a satchel and started to throw things in it,
preparing for a fight no doubt.

Chapter 9
    Friday, June 3 rd , 2016, 10:43 PM
    We were still waiting on Carrie and Gerald when I was hit
with a wave of anger, fear, and worry.  It made me wince, because Diana was
still pissed at me, but all the fear and worry was also on my behalf which
meant… my life was so damned complicated.  Either way, the time was now.  It
could have been worse, at least we hadn’t attacked the coven’s spell site yet. 
Still, it could’ve been better.
    I stepped away from Sierra and muttered, “Got to go,” as I wrapped
the power of air around me and went to wherever Diana was, my magic knew
because I was connected to her.
    I took in the situation with a glance.  We were west of the
city in a large field.  I wondered for a moment how that came to be, but for
right now it wasn’t important.  Ceara and Diana were dressed in the same kind
of tight leather clothes, and they were trying to pin down Christopher who was
doing the same avoidance type crap, depending on his fire sorcerer to make the
actual kill.
    The fire sorcerer was directing a shield of fire around
Ceara, who must have sensed it because she moved faster than I could track
before it could solidify and trap her.  Obviously the fire sorcerer wasn’t
messing around this time by throwing fire, and was trying a more direct
attack.  I would call him foolish for waiting before bringing his A game, but I
did the same thing all the time.  Throwing balls or blades of air, as opposed
to just crushing an opponent with the air already around them, felt more
natural for some reason.
    He looked at me, and this time his attack on my emotions
went awry, and he didn’t get through my shields.  Wrapping the fire element
with air seemed to have worked and removed the bridge he used to get passed my
defenses.  He could probably overpower it, but I didn’t give him time to add
more power behind it.  I ordered the air around me to starve his fire.
    It was partially effective, but he was still much more
powerful than I was, and my access to the fire element was greatly lessened,
since his control over the area overlapped and overshadowed my own power.  He
gathered fire and focused on me, while I surrounded him with air.
    Ceara was attacking Christopher with ferocity, but he seemed
to be completely focused on defense and was able to dodge, duck, and weave
around those attacks. 

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