Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5)

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Book: Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5) by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith
Tags: BIN 07605-02452
Reyvor’s attention. She could feel herself blossoming under his care already. What would it be like a week from now? A month?
    “Will you at least consider marrying him?” Nikki asked.
    “I’ll consider it, but I’m not rushing into anything.”
    Nikki narrowed her eyes at her mother before gathering her sisters close. The whispering began, but Hazel couldn’t hear a word of what they were saying. It wouldn’t surprise her if they were plotting her demise, they were so set on Reyvor being their dad. Not that she could blame them. He’d been wonderful with them since they’d landed on his doorstep. Even now, he was out buying toys for children he hadn’t known before yesterday.
    The girls nodded and broke apart. Without so much as glancing her way, they went back to watching television, going so far as to turn the volume up. Hazel knew she’d discover their secret soon enough. Until then, she’d watch cartoons with them and wait on Reyvor to return.
    She watched as the minutes ticked by and as afternoon became evening, she worried something had happened to the sexy alien. He’d been gone far too long to have purchased only a handful of toys. She should have asked for his number, but it hadn’t crossed her mind he wouldn’t return. Had he changed his mind about them? No… his clothes were still here. A knot formed in her stomach as she thought of the horrors she’d seen living on the streets. He could have been mugged, shot, held for ransom. Anything could have happened to him!
    Her heart had just started to race when she heard the door open behind her. She jumped from the chair and whirled around, stifling her cry of relief as Reyvor stepped inside. Only for that cry to turn to a growl of frustration as she saw what had taken him so long. The driver and several hotel staff brought in bag after bag from the toy store. Her hands fisted at her sides as she heard her girls’ cries of joy. As Reyvor handed out Barbie dolls, stuffed toys, games, and other goodies, she realized something horrible about herself. She wasn’t angry he’d spent so much money on her girls. She was angry she hadn’t been able to do it.
    Her children’s faces were alight with joy and laughter as they discovered the treasures hidden in the sacks. When Reyvor was finished passing everything out, had tipped the staff and shut the door, he turned to face her with a sheepish look on his face.
    “I know I said I wouldn’t buy out the store, and I didn’t, but I couldn’t resist spoiling them a little. I’ve never had the opportunity to buy toys for anyone before and it was a lot more fun than I had imagined. Forgive me?”
    Now she really felt like a bitch.
    “I forgive you, but you really shouldn’t spoil them this way. They’ll expect you to buy them whatever they want whenever they want it.”
    “And that’s a bad thing?”
    She sighed. “Yes, Reyvor. That’s a bad thing. I don’t want them to grow up to be spoiled, self-entitled little monsters. From now on, no big gifts unless it’s a birthday or Christmas. Deal?”
    His smile broadened. “Deal. You do realize you just insinuated I would be around for future birthdays and Christmas, don’t you?”
    Her cheeks flushed. She’d certainly stepped in it that time. The words had just spilled out without thought. He looked downright gleeful and she couldn’t take the words back. Thankfully, her girls were so busy with their toys they were completely ignoring the adults in the room. Wait a minute. Those weren’t toys Nikki was playing with.
    “Reyvor, what did you do?” she asked, pointing at Nikki.
    “She seemed a little old for toys. I asked the sales lady what a girl Nikki’s age would want and she pointed me toward some popular dolls and stuffed animals, but with the younger girls getting so much more… I thought she might like a tablet and it doesn’t hurt for one of them to have a cell phone.”
    “Reyvor, I don’t even have a cell phone.”

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