Silent Deceit
against him, trembling
and gasping for air. Pushed him down on the ground and folded her arms along
his pecs, resting her cheek there. A breeze blew across her, chilling her skin.
Skip wrapped her in his arms and held her close. "I wish we could stay
like this, Tas, but we should get our clothes on."
      "Ah ha, so you're one of those
love'em and leave'em guys," she teased.
      "Never with you, bluebird." He
flipped her onto her back, trailing a hand between her thighs. He kissed her
cheek, and stared at her with an intensity that spoke volumes. "We belong
together, so get used to it. I'm not letting you go."
      "Skip, if you don't move your hand,
I won't be putting my pants on anytime soon." God knew, she didn't want
      He bent low and brushed his mouth across
her curls, licking her folds. She rose to meet him,
wanting so much more. He got to his feet and pulled her with him, pressing her
against his bulging package. "When we finish tonight, I'll love every
adorable inch of you. Now quit being a cock tease and put on your
      She laughed then stumbled for her
clothes. "Oh yeah, about my injured foot."
    "A bandage will have to do for now." He waggled his
eyebrows as he zipped up his cargo pants. "I'll
kiss it better later."
right you will." She reached up on her toes and laid her head on his
chest, her hands circling his waist. "I love you, you know."
sighed, cupping her face in his hands. "I love you too, more than
      The sat
phone beeped in the wrinkled bedroll. She swooped it up and answered.
voice was at the other end, sounding tense and
focused. "We're ready to start searching the grid. I want you to
sweep a five-mile radius. Here are the coordinates—"
wrapped an arm around her neck as they hurried to the truck. He kissed the top
of her head, and the sensitive spot behind her ear. "Later, bluebird.
Let's go catch the bad guys."

  Chapter Eight
      "W e've found something."
Natasha held the phone to her ear, gazing into the dark. She gave Blue their
location and disconnected the call, nodding to Skip. "They're on their
way. Only a few minutes out."
      "Glad to hear it." Skip parked
the pickup behind an outcropping of rocks. Grabbing the handle, he popped the
door open and beat feet to the back of the truck.  The tailgate squeaked as he
laid it flat and started to gear up. He grabbed night vision goggles from his
go bag, primed an assault rifle, and stepped into the open. Thank Christ,
thermal imaging worked even on moonless, starless nights. If anyone was around,
he'd pick up their heat trace. He took his time, his gaze sweeping from jagged
outcroppings and overhangs to the scrub brush tumbling along the valley floor.
Nothing was out there other than foxes, jackrabbits, and a band of distant
coyotes. He and Natasha were alone. "Let's rock'n roll, babe."
      Natasha packed extra ammo into the
pockets of her cargo pants, adding a KA-BAR combat knife to the sheath in her
boot. She checked her Glock, slipping it into a webbed holster at her waist.
Secured flash bangs, a taser, and flashlight on her
belt before shouldering an assault rifle. "I'm ready when you are, babe ."
      Skip laughed. A lethal adversary in the
body of a pint-sized woman, she filled him with pride. He prayed the night
brought her positive news about Zach, but knew the odds were against it. Either
way she would handle it, because no one lasted on Blue's squad unless they
played the cards God dealt them and came out a winner. Training was rigorous
and constant. Falcone insisting his agents re-qualify every year, on all
aspects of the job, including psychological testing. Blue believed Natasha
could cut it, and so did Skip.
      "Hey, are we waiting for a bus, or
what?" She tapped her foot, clearly anxious to move out.
      "We hold until the others get
here." A smart play, particularly since he needed to breathe in and out
for a while to steady his nerves. Working the mines as a teen, he’d

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