Sheriff in Her Stocking

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Book: Sheriff in Her Stocking by Cheryl Gorman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Gorman
about it if I hadn’t driven by on my way to
the cleaners to pick up your shirts. You two-timing, good-for-nothing little
weasel!”  In a couple of steps, she rounded the hood of the car.
    Lester’s eyes
widened with fear. He turned to run, slipped in the snow and fell flat on his
face. He scrambled to his hands and knees and tried to stand but Betty reared
back with her right foot and kicked him squarely in the butt. He grunted in
pain, rolled to his back and held his hands up. “Don’t, Betty please!”
    Betty gripped a
butcher knife tightly in her hand and held it over her head ready to plunge the
blade into Lester’s small chest.
    Rick lunged
toward Betty ramming his body into hers. She rocked slightly on her feet, like
a tall tree swaying in the breeze. The knife fell from her fingers, sailed
downward and stuck upright in the snow about two inches from Lester’s head.
    Sirens rang
shrilly through the afternoon air. It took Rick and two other police officers
to subdue Betty.
    Just before they
put her in the car, she turned toward Lester who sat huddled in the back of an
ambulance with a blanket around his shoulders while an EMT treated his
    Tears streamed
from her small eyes, her thin lips twisted in remorse. “I’m sorry, Honey Bunch,
you know I didn’t mean it. I love you.” 
    Lester leaped
from the back of the ambulance and ran to his wife; his fingers like bare twigs
caressed her face. “I know you didn’t.”  He turned pleading eyes on the
officers. “I don’t want to press charges. You heard her; she just gets angry
sometimes that’s all. She can’t help it.”
    Rick laid a hand
on Lester’s shoulder and told him about the outstanding warrant against his
    Lester was still
begging the officers to let her go as they helped her into the back of the
squad car.
    * * * * *
    A couple of
hours later, Rick waited for Delaney at a table in the Cozy Corner Diner. He
lifted a cup of hot chocolate to his lips and sipped just as Delaney breezed
through the door with Sara Farley by her side. The first section of the diner
contained two rows of booths, a bar and a bakery case filled with assorted
pastries. A glass and wood partition separated the front from the larger dining
area. Rick watched Delaney glance around the room. He waved to snag her
attention. She smiled and his heart skipped a beat. She touched Sara’s arm and
they started across the diner. He admired Delaney’s lush curves as she moved
toward him. The more time he spent with her the more she attracted him and slid
deeper beneath his skin. No woman had ever made him feel hot, cold, excited and
panic stricken all at the same time. What the hell was he going to do?
    Delaney and Sara
settled at the table with Rick. Sara cocked her head and glanced at Rick. “I
hope you don’t mind me joining the two of you.”
    Rick waved a
hand casually through the air. “Of course not. How was your day?”
    “It’s been
nice,” Sara began. She reached over and patted Delaney’s arm. “I was thrilled
when Delaney dropped in earlier. I’ve been working on a new china pattern and I
wanted to get an objective opinion. When she invited me to dinner, I couldn’t
say no. I just hate eating alone...nothings been the same since my Carl
    Delaney reached
out and laid her hand on Rick’s arm. He fought not to cover her hand with his
own and entwine their fingers. “You should see the new pattern, Rick. It’s a
gorgeous holiday design with red birds, greenery and ribbon.”
    She looked at
Sara and smiled. “When it goes on display, it’s going to sell like crazy.”
    Sara beamed.
“Thank you, Delaney. I’m so glad you like it. Artists always need positive
feedback and encouragement you know.”
    Rick studied
Delaney as they waited for their food to arrive. Her cheeks were flushed from
the cold, her eyes bright. She’d pulled her hair into a pony tail and a few
loose strands teased her neck. He wanted to brush his lips there as well

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