A Wicked Game You Play
the added pain and shuddered. The thrill of penetration
blotted out the dull, partially satisfying pain of her nipple
scissored between the biting blades. It was never as good when she
did it to herself. She considered the quick snip again.
    Still reining in her desire, she noticed that
the blades had left their deep colored imprints on her aureole. The
temporary marks glowed dully, like hickeys she thought, before the
chill air puckered it into a heavy, leaded point once more.
    Her hand steadier this time, Kate pressed the
pliers' cold claws to the swollen underside of her other breast.
The blade closed on her puckered aureole halfway between her nipple
and the white of her breasts, while her fingertips circled the
prominent bud of her clitoris.
    Do it , a warm voice inside her head
urged. Delicately, she pricked the darkened aureole, leaving a tiny
scratch that roused nerve endings and made her eyelids flutter. Her
hand trembled. Do it! the voice demanded.
    She thought of Robert, of how he liked to
suck at her breasts, trapping the tip like a malevolent quixotic
baby with teeth bared in a loving snarl. He often left lasting
marks as evidence of his ardor. The sides of the blades,
dull-sharp, stretched the other hapless nipple up from her breast.
She pulled and stretched, deliberately sending sharp spikes of pain
shooting through the trapped flesh.
    She continued to work her sex with her other
hand, probing, rubbing and soothing her agitated clit, pressing
against the inflamed membranes of her cunt while closing the pliers
harder. Her belly flooded with excitement as the fervid pain
heating her nipple wrung a cry from her lips.
    She wanted so much for Robert to find her, to
take over, brutalize her and fuck her raw. Her back arched as she
imagined being taken from behind. She raised and lowered her hips.
She squeezed the pliers harder, harder, as hard as she dared,
bruising herself as her fingers worked feverishly. She wished that,
at the same time as she came, Robert would close his hands even
harder than she had been able to—to stretch her limits like she
stretched her breasts.
    She felt her womb start to throb, her pussy
begin the tell-tale tingling. Quickly, she snagged her other nipple
in a brutal, fingernail-gouging pinch and pulled her breasts
together until she was able to trap both nipples between the cold
steel jaws. She threw her hand back between her legs, building
herself back to a climactic frenzy with only a few quick rubs.
    Her pain threshold soaring with the pending
climax, she squeezed almost as tight as she could, twisting and
yanking at the tips of her breasts. Any harder and she’d cut them.
She was certain of that. Her belly began to convulse and her orgasm
seized her so fiercely that it seemed as though it had been ripped
from her soul.
    “Robert!” she cried, hoping to feel the
sudden rush of his hands crushing her hips, his cock slamming wet
and hot into her. But there was no reply.
    She worked herself until her knees almost
buckled and the electric tingling finally faded. Her eyes watering
from the pain and the intensity of her orgasm, Kate dropped the
pliers back where she’d found them.
    Once she’d caught her breath, reality flooded
back as her moment of madness passed. Butterflies of apprehension
fluttered in her stomach. She suddenly felt vulnerable, cold and
alone. But, though she couldn’t see him, she was certain he was
there, somewhere, watching.
    She thought again about his orders. Though
she was spent for the moment, she knew herself well enough. With
the right stimulation, she’d quickly recover. Glancing back into
the old refrigerator, she chose the cut branch.
    Knowing she’d never be able to use it on
herself the way he could, she summoned an image in her mind. His
arms encircled her, one around her waist and the other tight across
her chest. His mouth seized hers in a passionate kiss. His hard
cock was like a fire inside of her, a flame that flickered in the
heart of her

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