A Matter of Principle

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Book: A Matter of Principle by Kris Tualla Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kris Tualla
“I actually gave it some consideration, Nick. It’s true, I am well-liked and I have a decent education. But I’m afraid my past reputation as—how should I put it?—as a bit of an adventurer, precludes my candidacy.” He blushed. “I see no reason to give Mr. Herbert Q. Percival, Esq. more ammunition than he’s likely to fabricate on his own.”
    Nicolas scowled. “What’s he got to do with this?”
    Ashton waved a dismissive hand. “He’s that columnist from the St. Louis Enquirer . Bit of a muckraker if you ask me.”
    “ That’s not the point,” Busby said impatiently. “The point is, every county sends representatives, and we want you to be one of ours!”
    Anne brought in the coffee. Conversation stilled while she served each of the men. Nicolas passed the brandy bottle again and they laced their coffee. He relished the pause; he needed to bring up a point of contention, but did not wish to do so in front of Anne.
    “ There is another issue,” he stated quietly, once the housekeeper was out of earshot behind the closed door.
    Caldecott matched his tone. “That would be, what?”
    Nicolas made eye contact with each of the men. “Ashton? John? Rickard? You all must understand that I stand firmly against slavery.”
    Rickard nodded and answered for all the plantation owners. “We know.”
    “ But I understand that you have purchased two slaves, a husband and wife. Is that true?” Ashton probed.
    Nicolas winced. “It is.”
    “ And?”
    “ And I consider that a bit of a problem!” Nicolas blustered. “Don’t you?”
    The men looked at each other, waiting for someone to speak.
    “ It could work in your favor!” Caldecott posited. “Shows that while opinionated, you are not unreasonable!”
    Nicolas stood and faced a window. Sleet hit the window, melted, and dribbled down the pane. Frozen drops blown toward suicide, unaware. Would this path be the same for him?
    “ Nick?”
    He turned to face Rickard, his beloved and closest friend.
    “ Sydney placed this idea in front of you first. She would support you whole-heartedly. You know that.”
    Nicolas nodded solemnly.
    “ And then I presented it to you. I wouldn’t have done so if I didn’t fully believe in your capabilities. You know that as well, do you not?”
    Nicolas nodded again.
    Rickard rose and walked to him, stopping when they were eye to eye. “When these men came to me with the same suggestion, and asked my honest opinion, I gave it to them.”
    Nicolas narrowed his eyes. “Do you truly believe, brother, that this is something I should do?”
    “ I do, Nick.”
    Nicolas slid his gaze to the other men, then back to Rickard.
    “ And,” Rickard added. “Should you choose to follow this path, I’ll be beside you all the way. You have my word.”
    “ What do you say, Hansen?” Ashton Caldecott stood and offered his hand. “Are you amenable?”
    Nicolas’s mouth twitched. “It’ll cost some money, I imagine.”
    John McGovern jumped to his feet. “We’ll raise money for you! We shall be your committee! Won’t we, Nate?”
    The sheriff cleared his throat. “Um, I guess. Yes.”
    “ Are we agreed?” Rickard grinned.
    His chin low, Nicolas regarded the men mischievously from under his brows. “If you all are foolish enough to support me in this endeavor, I suppose I may as well not stand in your way.”
    “ Is that a yes?” John asked.
    “ Yes. I’ll give it a go.”
    “ A toast!” Ashton lifted his brandy and everyone grabbed a drink. “To Representative Nicolas Hansen of St. Louis County!”
    “ Here, here!” The chorus preceded the enthusiastic gulping of various liquids.
    Nicolas looked at Rickard and shook his head. “This will be interesting, brother. No doubt about that!”
    “ This will be so interesting!” Sydney effused. She set the hairbrush on her dressing table and turned to Nicolas. “How are you feeling right now?”
    “ Truthfully?” He pushed one boot off with the other.

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