Her Bucking Bronc
admit he was living on a shoestring budget. Life had always been hard and he’d be damned if this woman would make it harder. “With all due respect, I need you to let me do my job.”
    He nearly wrenched the door off the hinges as he stomped into the warehouse. His blood pumped hot through his veins. Something about Hannah made him passionate in more ways than one.
    “Dylan?” His friend Liam Bridger smiled as he held out his hand. They’d gone to high school together and had remained close since then. “Good to see you.” People had often asked if they were brothers since they both were big men with brown hair. Liam was Irish through and through, with green eyes and a huge Irish family.
    “You too.” Dylan managed to crack a smile.
    “Where’s your client?” Liam peeked around him and his eyes widened. “Holy shit.”
    Dylan had the same reaction the first time he saw Hannah. “That would be Hannah Blackwood.”
    Liam’s smile widened and he held out his hand. “Liam, nice to meet you, ma’am. Blackwood? I know a few Blackwoods. Tanger?”
    Hannah smiled and Dylan’s gut tightened. Damn she was gorgeous. “Yep. It’s nice to meet you.”
    “Let’s go take a look at your list and see what we’ve got.” Liam held out his arm and damn her hide, she took it.
    Dylan wanted to growl, but he kept it inside. “Give her the friend discount on the prices.”
    “Of course.” Liam winked. “I wouldn’t dream of overcharging this lovely lady.”
    “It’s getting thick in here.” Hannah chuckled. “I may need my shit kickers.”
    Liam guffawed and Dylan wanted to punch his friend. What in the fucking hell was wrong with him?
    “I’ve known Dylan for about twelve years.” Liam’s expression was pure evil. “I’ve seen some things.”
    “Shut up, Bridger.” Dylan pointed at the prep tables to their right. “You think we can do business instead of chewing the fat?”
    “Oh ho. It’s like that, is it?” Liam always saw too much. “Sure thing, let’s take a look.”
    They turned toward the stainless steel prep tables and Hannah whipped out a tape measure. As she bent and squatted and worked, both men watched. Dylan should be embarrassed, but he wasn’t.
    “Is she your boss or your girl?” Liam asked in a low voice.
    “My boss.”
    Liam hmphed. “You sure are all het up over your boss.”
    “Fuck you.”
    “Miss Blackwood, did you know Dylan used to be on the rodeo circuit?” Liam jumped out of reach. “He was a damn good bronc rider.”
    Hannah turned to meet Dylan’s gaze. “Really? Hmm. No, I didn’t know that. A cowboy, huh?”
    “I’m the reason he came to Texas after high school. I lived in North Carolina for a year and this man was the only reason I made it through that year.” Liam talked far too much. “He rides horses like the wind, so he rode the circuit to make money.”
    “Not bad for a Tarheel, I suppose.” She patted one of the tables. “I like this one.” She pulled out her phone and took pictures from every angle. “What about appliances? I want to try to match the brand and I prefer Energy Star ones. I want a twelve burner range, a combination convention and steamer oven, commercial griddle, a charbroiler, an under counter freezer, a conveyor dishwasher, a commercial-grade toaster and a dough sheeter. Oh, and a walk-in cooler.”
    Liam took a few moments before he replied, “She’s scary.”
    “This much I know. Now let’s get cracking on her list so I can go back to work.” Dylan might regret bringing her here, but they needed to get everything ordered and he was certain Liam wouldn’t cheat her or steal from her.
    The next couple hours were spent looking at, poking at, measuring, and dickering over the price of her laundry list of appliances. Dylan wasn’t bored, but he sure as hell was itching to get back to the jobsite.
    As they were getting ready to leave, Liam held Hannah’s hand a bit too long and smiled a bit too brightly. Dylan gave him the

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