Out of the Shadows

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Book: Out of the Shadows by L.K. Below Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.K. Below
crossed Keri’s face, but Lori buried the wave of guilt. She backed the last few steps out the door, closed it, and leaned her forehead against the wood. Holy shit. That had been way too close.
    She needed to go out. Suddenly, her room was far too stifling. She dressed in feverish haste, pulling on clothes and searching out her jacket. Why bother with makeup? Right now, she just wanted to get away.
    Someone pounded on her door. The one to the hall. Seconds later, her cellphone vibrated.
    Don’t open the door .
    Unknown number. Was her door locked? Could they get in? Her heart beat erratically, an anxious tap dance just under her skin.
    Whoever stood on the other side of the door knocked again. “Lori? Are you there?” Devin, voice muffled by the wood.
    She didn’t answer. Maybe, just this once, the mysterious texter was in the right. After being stood up almost a week ago, she didn’t want to see Devin. What was his deal, anyway?
    “Open up!” His voice was angry now.
    She didn’t even dare to breathe. Had she locked her door before falling asleep? God, she hoped so.
    But he didn’t try to break in. Eventually, he left.
    Her heartbeat slowed. Lori sank onto the bed.
    Staying in her room? It definitely sounded like a good idea.
    * * * *
    The killer would strike again. Of that, Heaven was absolutely certain. But what could she do about it? Even after nearly hospitalizing herself from exhaustion, she couldn’t get to sleep. Not with Sanders’s death hanging over her head. He’d had a family. And Heaven? Her deadbeat dad didn’t count. She should have done something. She should have at least tried.
    Finding her quarry again didn’t take long, not now that she knew where he slept. She shadowed his motel until he exited, this time not for lunch or a soda. This time, he’d dressed to go out. But where?
    When he boarded a bus, she hopped in a cab. More money down the drain, and she wasn’t even working to compensate. Hopefully, this trip would be worth it.
    He exited the bus on the university campus. Heaven groaned under her breath as she paid the cab driver. Great. Just great. The last thing she wanted to do was watch this guy trail Lori for however many hours. But to her surprise, he didn’t take up a post outside the building. Instead, he meandered inside.
    She settled in to wait. Winter frosted her breath. Nearly December, nearly Christmas, and what did she have to show for it? Only too many days of missed school. She’d fail the exam if this kept up. Her last year of high school, and she needed stellar grades if she was going to get into her university of choice. Or any university, really. Don’t think about it .
    She rolled her neck, trying to bring relief to aching muscles. A shadow against another building caught her eye. Was that…Terrence? This dark, it was difficult to tell. Heaven clenched her fists. Why would he be so adamant about her watching Lori if he was doing it himself? Pig.
    But perhaps a pig in danger. If that psychopath was looking so hard for Terrence… Heaven crossed the distance, thinking to warn him. But when she reached the spot she was sure he’d been, no one stood there. Where could he have gone?
    She spotted something on the ground. A cellphone. With an inner shrug, she picked it up. A quick flick of her wrist showed it was still working. She scrolled through the phone, looking for personal information. Nothing. No contacts. Just one text. She glanced at the number, recognized it.
    Lori’s phone.
    She tucked the cell into her pocket. If someone called, she would give it back. Maybe. These were expensive, even if this one had PRE-PAID plastered across the welcome screen.
    Her quarry emerged from the dorm. Alone. And from his angry stomp, not in a good mood. Heaven latched onto his wake, groaning when he boarded another bus. Again, she slid into a nearby cab, calculating her earnings. How much longer could she keep this up? She liked him better when he walked

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