Easton's Claim (Colebrook Siblings Trilogy Book 3)

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Book: Easton's Claim (Colebrook Siblings Trilogy Book 3) by Kaylea Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaylea Cross
Tags: The Colebrook Siblings
    “Why not?”
    “Because we’re friends, Easton.”
    “And us being together is going to change that?”
    “It could,” she fired back. It probably would. And if anything went wrong, she risked losing not just him, but her surrogate family as well. “It could ruin everything.” God, she wished he’d never kissed her or told her any of this.
    “I know this is a shock to you,” he allowed, “but I would never do anything to jeopardize—”
    “I’m moving to Minnesota,” she said in desperation, trying to get through to him. This would never work. They were too different, and their lives weren’t compatible.
    “If that’s what you really want, if the job means that much to you, then we’ll work it out.”
    He wasn’t listening. “You’re the wild child of the family. I’m straight-laced and that’s not going to change.” How would that even work between them?
    He gave her a slow smile that made hot tingles explode in her abdomen. “I’ve grown up a lot over the years, in case you haven’t noticed. Not nearly as wild as I used to be. Any other objections?” He took her hand, curled his long, strong fingers around hers.
    “You’re just going to shoot them down one by one no matter what I say, aren’t you?” she said in exasperation, every nerve ending in her body clamoring for his touch.
    “Yes, ma’am. So. What else you got?” He settled back against the porch swing. “I’m ready. Shoot.”
    It was impossible to think clearly with him touching her, even just her hand. All she could focus on was what it would be like to shed her inhibitions and go for the opportunity he’d offered. To give into the guilty cravings she’d indulged in over the past few months.
    Her gaze strayed to the windows at the front of the house, mind racing. “What about your family? It would be so weird for them.” Yeah, she was grasping at straws now, but she was desperate to make him see reason and cringed at the thought of making things awkward for his family.
    “Don’t care if it was, but no, I think after the initial surprise, they’d be happy for us. And I know you, so I know you’re already worrying about what other people in town will say. Don’t. I don’t care what anybody else thinks except you. All that matters is whether you feel anything for me beyond friendship. I know I’ve dated a lot of women in the past, but none of them mattered to me.”
    She met his gaze again, heart thudding, damn near holding her breath as she waited to hear what he said next.
    With gentle fingers he brushed a lock of hair away from her cheek, skimmed his fingertips over the edge of her face, the touch light as a sigh but she felt it all the way to her bones. “Because none of them were you. And once I found out you were single last time I was home, you were all I could think about. I’m not interested in anyone else. I only want you.”
    Her pulse drummed in her ears, his words echoing in her head. She was terrified to admit she wanted him too, but he was experienced enough to know that her reaction to the kiss had already told him the truth. Crap. “We just can’t,” she whispered finally, stricken.
    Rather than get upset, one side of his mouth lifted in a sexy grin that made her toes curl in her flip-flops. He cupped the side of her face again, leaned in to brush a gentle kiss over her parted lips. “Just sleep on it.”
    With that he pushed up from the swing and went into the house as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened, when in reality he’d just turned her entire world upside down.
    Piper closed her eyes and buried her face in her hands. She was in hell. The sooner she sold her place and left Sugar Hollow, the better.

Chapter Seven
    “Piper Greenlee. She went back to her maiden name when she left him.”
    Brandon nodded and poured himself a few inches of vodka over some ice. In prison he’d been denied every luxury and he planned to make up for lost

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