The Forbidden Duke

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Book: The Forbidden Duke by Darcy Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darcy Burke
sort, quick to laugh and charm, with an ever-ready smile lighting his acorn-brown eyes.
    His light brown wavy hair fell across his forehead, and he pushed it back as he fought to turn the boat back toward the dock. “My apologies, Miss Lockhart. I’m afraid I’m not much of a sportsman. However, if you desire an engaging chess match or game of cards, I’m your fellow.”
    Nora worked to ignore the rocking of the boat. She’d suffered worse during their short jaunt, but she’d feel much better when they were back on land. “As a matter of fact, I enjoy chess immensely. My father taught me to play when I was younger.” Before he’d withdrawn into himself after Mother had died.
    Mr. Dawson inclined his head. “Excellent. I look forward to playing with you some time.”
    That he spoke of some future activity surprised Nora. Did that mean he was interested in courting her? She was woefully out of practice when it came to this game. If she’d ever been any good at it. One could argue she was an abject failure at husband hunting.
    They were headed toward another craft. Nora put both hands on the sides again as she tensed. “Careful of the other boat,” she said, perhaps stating the obvious. However, she wanted to be certain Mr. Dawson saw them.
    He dug the oar deeper into the water as he worked to alter their course. “Yes, I see them. This is just so…difficult.” He grimaced as he barely managed to divert the boat. The man rowing the other boat had acted quickly and was probably the reason they’d avoided a glancing collision.
    As it was, the two crafts came abreast of each other and exchanged friendly waves. Nora overheard what the woman in the other boat said to her companion, “Did you see the Forbidden Duke? Lady Faversham said he was here, but I didn’t see him.”
    “I did not, but I daresay she was mistaken,” the gentleman replied. “He doesn’t attend gatherings like this.”
    “That’s what I said. But she was most insistent.”
    Nora didn’t say a word as the growing distance between them prevented her from hearing any more of their conversation.
    Mr. Dawson let his hands go slack with the oars hovering above the surface of the water. “We are approaching land at last.” He flashed her a self-deprecating smile. “You must be terribly relieved.”
    “Will you dislike me if I say I am?”
    He laughed. “Heavens, no, I shall respect your honesty.”
    The boat tapped the dock, and a footman helped them to disembark.
    Once Nora’s feet were safely on the ground, she fully relaxed, giving her shoulders a little shake as the tension seeped from them. She turned to Mr. Dawson, who was adjusting his hat. “This is much better,” she said.
    “Agreed.” He offered her his arm, and they strolled back toward her blanket. “I think I shall keep my feet on terra firma from now on. Unless someone else is steering the boat.”
    “An excellent notion.”
    He cast her a quick glance. “I hope you managed to enjoy yourself despite my ineptitude.”
    “I had a lovely time—you are not inept. You acquitted yourself far better than I would have.”
    “Only because you haven’t practiced.”
    “And you have?” she asked, looking at him askance.
    He chuckled. “Not really. Perhaps you would have done better.”
    They arrived at Nora’s blanket, and she thanked him again for the boat ride.
    Lady Satterfield put her hand at the edge of her bonnet brim for additional shade as she looked up at them. “Did you enjoy yourselves?”
    “Yes, quite,” Nora said as she sat down beside her.
    Mr. Dawson executed a bow. “Until next time, Miss Lockhart.” As he straightened and turned, his toe caught the edge of Lady Satterfield’s plate, flipping it so the contents, including a large dollop of jam, landed against Nora’s skirt.  
    His face creased with distress. “Oh no! I am absolutely graceless. My sincerest apologies.”
    Lady Satterfield dabbed at Nora’s skirt with a napkin. “You should get

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