Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3)

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Book: Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3) by Bertina Mars Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bertina Mars
palace as a final show of victory for the Onyx Tigers.  Everything seemed hopeless, and then the Blood God’s head turned to face us and shone a ray of scarlet light directly onto Ghamak. 
    The people took it as a sign that Ghamak was the chosen one and that he’d been selected by the Blood God Himself to lead our people.  There was a massive uprising and the Onyx Tiger Society was destroyed.  Ghamak and I formed the new government as a consequence.”
    “But I thought the Blood God was on the side of these Onyx Tiger guys?  Why would He suddenly send a sign to Ghamak?”
    Vron shrugged his shoulders.  “No one understands the motivations of the Blood God,” he said bitterly.  “I suspect it chose to speak to the vizier when the Emperor tried to turn away from Him, and then after all the slaughter and chaos caused by the civil war He saw in Ghamak the opportunity to wreak more havoc.”
    “You don’t believe the Blood God is a real deity to do?” Maya said.
    “I don’t know what the Blood God is,” Vron replied grimly.  “There is an ancient text that says that a glowing red meteorite fell from the sky during the chaos in the final days of the First Civilisation and spoke to the shamans and mystics telepathically.  The first of the Blood God’s worshippers carved its face and built the palace where it could exert its dark influence, and it has dominated my people ever since.”
    “Is that what happened with Ghamak?  Did the Blood God corrupt him?”
    “Maybe,” Vron said in a quiet voice.  “I’m sure the God helped him along the road of depravity, but it was Seema’s death that first put his feet upon it.”
    Maya sat up and stared at him.  “Who is Seema?”
    “She was Ghamak’s sister,” Vron said, his silver eyes looking into the middle distance, misty and unfocused, “and my wife.”
    Maya gawped at him, taken aback from the bombshell.  “You . . . you had a wife?  Why didn’t you tell me?”
    “I didn’t know how to,” Vron replied, the pain in his voice raw and bleeding.  “I told you I grew up with Ghamak, well I grew up with Seema too.  She was my one true love and she came along with us to join the Blood Sharks.  Women were allowed to in those days. 
    We fought together during the civil war and she was my world.  She got me through those dark times, and when she died my whole world collapsed.  I’ve been living amongst the ruins ever since, until I met you.”
    Maya saw the misery etched in his proud face and squeezed his hand.  “What happened to her?”
    “Shortly after Ghamak was installed as Prince Consort, a terrible plague engulfed the land.  After the trials and tragedies of war we now had to contend with a sickness that had no cure.  Thousands died, and I thought all hope was lost.  Then Seema received a dream from the Blood God.  She believed that if she sacrificed herself, the plague would end.”
    “Oh my God,” Maya whispered.  “What happened?”
    “I tried to stop her but it was no good.  She was a stubborn woman.  We found her body, but it was too late.  She had taken poison and, true to His word, the plague ended.”
    “That’s horrible,” Maya gasped, fighting back a sob.
    “It is life on Raja-kell,” Vron said flatly.  “The Prince Consort will keep sending men to find us.  I was a fool to think we could live in freedom.  Sooner or later they will find the shrine.  I will make contact with the smugglers and arrange for you to get back to Earth.”
    “You’re not coming with me?”
    “I must stay,” Vron said numbly.  “I have been asleep too long.  The Prince Consort must be overthrown.  I will try and connect with the scattered rebel groups out here and form some kind of coherent resistance.”
    “I could fight with you,” Maya said hotly.  “We can do this together!”
    “I won’t lose you like I lost Seema,” Vron replied, his voice deep with meaning.  “If you love me you will go back to Earth. 

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