Cold Sweat

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Book: Cold Sweat by J.S. Marlo Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.S. Marlo
Tags: Covert
from Wayne’s chest. “It’s been two nights, Sheriff. Two very cold nights. Human beings are not built to sustain such conditions for that long.”
    Assuming Hope was lost or injured in the mountains, which Rich doubted, the only way she would have survived was by seeking refuge in some sort of shelter.
    “Tell me again about the trails.”
    “The green trails are open. The red ones are currently closed. The farther ones in grey are hiking trails. We don’t maintain them in the winter.”
    All the green trails and roughly half of the red trails had been marked as searched. Rich had to give the search parties credit; they were not wasting their time. “Those pentagons of different colors along the trails, are they shelters?”
    “Small wooden lodges equipped with solar panels and painted the color shown on the map. They’re warm enough to keep a stranded skier alive for days. Unfortunately, they were all empty.”
    All the pentagons fell within the searched area, except for one located deep in the mountains along an unsearched grey hiking trail. “What about that orange lodge?”
    “That particular trail consists of steep slopes and narrow tortuous paths. The young lady wouldn’t have made it that far on her own. Not on skis, and not on foot. Besides, that lodge isn’t heated. We keep it locked until the spring to avoid vandalism.”
    Locks can be broken. “Could she have been taken there on a quad or a snowmobile?”
    “It’s possible, but...” River pointed at a curvy segment of the trail. “This part is treacherous. There are crevices hiding beneath the snow. Your rider would need to be familiar with the landscape.”
    That scenario implied local involvement. Someone who’d worked or still worked at the training center. Someone, who might pretend to search for Hope.
    “We can’t ignore that lodge, River.” It presented too much of a convenient hiding place.
    “All my people are out. As soon as Erik and Kris report back, I’ll send them. They can be trusted.” It hadn’t taken long for River to catch on to Rich’s conclusion regarding an inside job. “Which reminds me, I faxed the list you requested to your office an hour ago. I even attached a work schedule.”
    “Good, but I’m not waiting for your guys.” The sooner he checked it out, the sooner Rich could cross it off. “Get me a snowmobile and a detailed map of the area. I’m going now.”
    A disapproving frown creased the maintenance chief’s forehead. “No offense, Sheriff, but going there alone when you’re not familiar with the terrain is a stupid idea. Would you at least take my son with you? He grew up in these mountains. He knows them inside out.”
    Had River suggested any other name, Rich might have refused, but no father would intentionally place his son in harm’s way.
    “Get your boy ready. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”
    As Rich left the bay, the chief yelled at his mechanics to hurry up.
    Serpent’s address corresponded to a decrepit apartment complex overseen by an overweight matron in her sixties.
    “I’m Deputy Thompson and this is Colonel Matheson.” The military officer by Gil’s side remained silent and motionless. “We were told someone by the name Sly Serpent lives here. We’d like to see his apartment.” Assuming this isn’t another hoax.
    The landlady barely ventured a glance at Gil’s badge, but she openly studied Matheson from head to boots.
    “Back in the days, my husband wore the same uniform. The poor devil is buried in it. God bless his soul. Third floor. Come with me.”
    Unsure how to respond to the comparison, Gil stepped behind the matron—and focused on the case. “What can you tell us about Mr. Serpent?”
    “I haven’t seen...Mr. Serpent in ten days.” Wheezing and whistling hindered the woman’s ability to climb more than three steps before she had to stop and catch her breath. “Did...something happen to him?”
    “That’s what we’re hoping to find out.” The

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