Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series)

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Book: Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series) by KL Donn Read Free Book Online
Authors: KL Donn
Tags: Fiction, Romance
“We fucked you one time Tawnya, one miserable fucking time, and honestly it wasn’t even that memorable. You need to get over yourself. Accept the fact that Nate and I were done with you as soon as the condoms were off. Move the fuck on, we sure as hell have!”
    “What?” She whispered venomously. Shit, he thought. “What do you mean you’ve moved on? You’re fucking somebody else? Who the hell is she? I’ll…” Cutting off her words as the police arrived, she managed to get out of Cooper’s hold and was walking towards her car when the cops stopped her.
    “Miss, you’re going to have to come with us, please.” The first officer said, while his partner was talking to Coop. “I don’t think so, Officer… Adams,” she purred while running her finger up and down his shirt. Thankfully the officer obviously wasn’t falling for her slutty act. Slapping a cuff on one wrist while grabbing the other hand, he had her turned, cuffed, and in the back of the car in a matter of seconds. Shaking his head, the officer climbed into a very noisy car as Tawnya won’t stop cussing up a storm.
    With a twinge of regret for how truly fucked up that woman is, Ty walked over to Cooper and the other officer, just catching the tail end of their conversation. “…Nah man, I’m fine, just get the psycho viper out of here.”
    Chuckling, the officer started walking away and said, “You got it, guys.”
    * * * * * * *
    Frustration ate at him as Nate was running his eighth mile on the treadmill. He wasn’t sure what to do about Keeley and her fears. He knew things were bad, but the way she just turned her emotions off scared him. He worried that maybe she couldn’t open up to them, tell them what has her so skittish and sad. He truly worried for her piece of mind. Twenty years old and she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. He hoped one day she would trust them enough to open up about her past.
    Hearing footsteps on the stairs, he started to slow the treadmill to a steady walk. Looking up, he gave Keeley a welcoming smile and motioned her the rest of the way down with a wave of his hand. “Hey, sweet Butterfly, how are you feeling?”
    Shrugging her shoulder she stepped up to the treadmill next to him, and asked with her eyes if she could go on. “Go ahead, do you know how to work it?” Shaking her head no, he stopped his and hopped off to help her turn it on to a nice steady walk. Getting back on his, they just walked, side by side, listening to the pound of their feet on the belts.
    Damn, did Nate sure wish he knew what she was thinking?
    A little while later, Nate could hear Ty open the front door. Keeley had to be into some deep thoughts, because she didn’t move when he walked in and started coming down the stairs. It wasn’t until Ty was at the bottom, and moved into her field of vision that she startled and jumped and nearly fell. Nate’s quick reflexes and grabbing her upper arm is all that stopped her.
    “Deep thoughts?” Ty asked her, noticing her preoccupation until she had jumped.
    Shrugging again, she just said, “Not really, just thinking about what I’m going to do.”
    Getting an idea of where her head was at now, Nate asked her, “What do you mean? You’re staying here and coming to work with us in a couple of weeks. We talked about this yesterday, Butterfly.”
    “I know, but I don’t want to be a burden or take advantage of your kindness. I’m just…” Cutting her thoughts off, they waited to see what else she was going to say, but she just stopped.
    “You just what, darlin’?” Ty tried getting her to open up.
    “You guys are you; kind, open, and come from what I assume is a nice family. And I’m just… well… me… There’s nothing to me. I’m nobody. I can’t even remember the last time someone has been so kind to me.” She whispered that last part with a huge amount of shame in her voice. “What if I fail you? Or you finally realize I’m just not worth all the effort

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